Saturday, February 27-
Vintage Sled Ride at Thunder Lake Lodge
March 11 & 12
Parkway Area Mini Golf Tournament -
Click here for details.
March 17
St. Patrick's Day Celebration at Jungle Jim's in Silver Cliff, featuring
our famous Corned Beef and Cabbage.
March 17
St. Patrick's Day Celebration at Curve
Inn Resort
We will again be serving our famous Corned Beef and Cabbage.
Dinner will be served starting at 4:00 pm until gone.
March 19th
CL/Mountain Lions Spaghetti Dinner
at the Crooked Lake Community Center 4pm-7pm.
April 8
10th Annual Town of Stephenson Fire Dept. Aux. Fundraiser
at The Woods on Koettke Rd and Newton Lake rd
Chicken Dinner with all the fixin's from 5pm to 7pm. followed
by live music by The Mullins, Free Tap Beer from 5 to Midnight,
raffles and prizes throughout the night.
April 14
Kum-along Snow Riders Annual Fish Fry and Raffle
5:00 PM at Equity Hall, Hwy 64.
May 6
Opening Day of Fishing Season.
May 6
Kentucky Derby Party at Bear Point Yacht Club. Visit Website for details.
May 6
Annual Spring Craft Show
8:30am - 2pm at the Crivitz High School-Admission is 1 can
of food or a donation to the Crivitz Food Pantry. Check Website for details.
May 27
Red, White, & Music festival in Crivitz. at Crivitz
Community Veterans Park, Park Place 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM
- Benefit for Crivitz Fire Department. Fun for all ages. Food,
Music, Dancing and games.
May 28
American Legion Post 66 Memorial Service & Picnic - Silver
Memorial Service at 10 AM - Picnic follows at 11 AM - Food and
Drink will be available on the grounds
June 3
6th Annual Bug Splatter Ride at Lakeside Bar and Grill
Benefit for Twin Bridge Rescue Squad - visit website
for further details.
June 3-4
Free Fishing Weekend
Free weekend for recreational activities in the State of Wisconsin.
People can fish, hike or bike state trails for free, ride public
ATV trails for free, and, new this year, enjoy free admission
to state parks and forests on both days as well.
June 10, 2017
Red Arrow ATV/UTV Annual Spring Ride & Pig Roast at
the Old Town Hall in Townsend. Fundraiser for trail maintenance.
Visit website for full details.
June 11
Oconto County Breakfast on the Farm
Hosted by Rockledge Farms, 7407 Tower Drive Road, Lena, WI 54139
- Click for Details
June 24
Bear Point Annual Fishing Tournament- CANCELED
100% Payout - 2 Persons per boat - 18 boat Maximum - Visit Website for Details
June 25
Marinette County Breakfast on the Farm
Hosted by Dave and Sheila Denowski & Families W7419 18th
RD Crivitz, WI 54114 - Click for Details
June 30
Falls Bar & Grill - Anniversary Bash & Pig Roast
- Live music 8pm - Midnight
June 25
2nd Annual Pig Roast at Parkway Inn & Resort, starts
at 1:00 PM
July 2
Wausaukee Independence Day Celebration
5K Run/Walk, Parade,
kids games, tournaments, Food, Beer, Beverages, Entertainment,
Spectacular Fireworks. Details at
July 4
Crivitz Independence Day Celebration.
Flag Raising at Village Hall at 10:45am followed by Parade at
Flea Market downtown. At the Park starting at noon there will
be food & refreshments, kids activities, DJ from noon to
6pm, and the Brass Differential Band at 6:15pm. Fireworks at
July 8
Athelstane Fireman's Parade & Picnic
Parade Line up at 10:30 am at C & A - Picnic to follow
at Fireman's Park
July 8, 15, 22, 29, 2017
Bear Point Float Trips on the Menominee River
Trips start at the Boat Landing in Wausaukee and end at Bear
Point Yacht Club on Hwy 180 - Wausaukee - visit website for full details.
July 14-16
Lakewood Mardi Gras Festival at the Lakewood
Memorial Park & Pavilion, North Road, Lakewood, WI, 54138
Carnival, live music, refreshments, games, softball tournament.
Parade at Noon on Sunday. Lakewood Memorial Park & Pavilion.
July 15, 22, 29, 2017
Bear Point Float Trips on the Menominee River
Trips start at the Boat Landing in Wausaukee and end at Bear
Point Yacht Club on Hwy 180 - Wausaukee - visit website for full details.
July 22
32nd Annual Hog Wrestling Competition
Falls Bar- Food & Refreshments - Live Music
July 29
Ride For Rescue to benefit the Crivitz Rescue Squad
Motorcycle ride starts and ends at Dan & Tim's Riverside
located at 1010 Main Street in Crivitz. Registration accepted
the day of the ride. Visit Website for Details.
July 29 - 11am - 7pm
7th Annual Wienerfest North at the Lakewood Park & Pavilion
Food & beverages, entertainment, meat raffle, more - All
profits to benefit the our troops & veterans
visit website for details
Aug. 5, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
39th Annual Lakes Country Arts & Crafts Show
At the Lakewood Town Hall and Activity Center, Free admission
and free parking. No pets allowed.
Sponsored by the McCaslin Lions. Food and refreshments on the
grounds. - See more at: Visit Website for details
August 5
10th Annual Rustic Fest - Rustic Inn, Silver Cliff
Featuring Rok Candy - 7 to 11 pm in the Pavilion - cooking corn
on the cob, brats and burgers starting at 5pm - bring a lawn
August 12
40th Annual Silver Cliff Fire & Rescue Aux. Picnic - Silver
Cliff Memorial Picnic Grounds
Parade line-up at 9 AM, Parade at 10 AM - Picnic from 11 am -
5 pm - Food & Drink, Games & Raffles, Fun for the
whole family
August 12
Annual ACA Duck Run at the County V Park west of Amberg
Starts at 11am, public is invited. Paddle wheel, raffles,
food and refreshments. Ducks for sale at Mathis Hardware, Driftwood
Sport & Fuel, Amberg Pub.
Aug. 12, 13, and Aug. 17-20
County Fair - Zippel Park, Gillett
Demoliton derbies, horse, truck and tractor pulls, animal judging,
exhibits, bands, family entertainment and carnival
Aug. 19
6th Annual Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club fundraiser
Held at Animal's Bear Trail Inn,On Hwy 64 & T in Mountain
- from noon to 6pm - Raffles, food & beverages - All proceeds
from this event will go toward maintaining current ATV trails/routes
and creating new ATV trails/routes in the townships of Doty,
Riverview and Lakewood in Oconto County. Check website for full details
Aug. 24-27
County Fair - County Fair Grounds, Wausaukee
Demoliton derbies, horse, truck and tractor pulls, animal judging,
exhibits, bands, family entertainment and carnival
Sept. 2
11th Annual Red Arrow Corn Roast and ATV/UTV Parade
at Old Town Hall Bar and Restaurant, Downtown Townsend.
Parade starts at 10:30AM from Red Arrow Clubhouse. Corn Roast
from 11AM till ??. Food & Beverages, Free Sweet Corn, Meat
Raffles, DJ, Music, Family Fun. Visit website for full details.
Sept. 2
Amberg Fire Dept Parade & Picnic. Amberg Ballpark. Parade
at 11 AM. Food, refreshments, music, games, raffles.
Sept. 3
Crooked Lake Fire Department Annual Breakfast.
Sept. 3
41st Annual Auction Fundraiser - Northwoods Bar - Athelstane
- Benson Lake Rd & Northway Dr.
Parade at 10:00 a.m. - Auction to follow. Proceeds from
the Auction go to the Athelstane Fire Department and the Silver
Cliff Rescue Squad.
Sept. 9
The Annual Country Fling from noon until ? - Parkway Inn
Live Country Music, Food and Fun for the whole family
Sept. 10
Annual Lena Dairy Fest sponsored by the Lena Lions Club
Holy Cross Church Grounds - Lena, WI - More
Oktoberfest at Crivitz Community Veterans Park,from
11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. a genuine German Oktoberfest celebration,
food, refreshments, Music, dancing &games for all ages. Join
us in celebrating our German Heritage
Sept. 17
Fire "Quacker" 500 at Everbreeze Resort, Mountain
Come watch the rubber ducks race on Chute Pond and hvave some
fun with raffles, food, live music and refreshments.
September 23
Annual Silver Cliff Chili & Soup Fest from 11am - 4pm
Silver Cliff Memorial Park - Sponsored by the Silver Cliff
and Athelstane Legion Post 66 Auxiliary
Sept. 24
Crivitz Fall HarvestFest at Crivitz High School - 400
South Ave.
8:30am to 2pm - Crafts/Bake Sale/Food & Refreshments
Admission - bring a non-perishable food item to donate to local
food pantry
Oct. 7
9th Annual Wausaukee Fall Festival.
9 am - 3 pm - Downtown Wausaukee
Crafters & Vendors, Bake Sale, Farmers Market , Food &
Refreshments, Live Music - Beer Garden, Kids games
website for further details and contact informtion.
Oct. 14
Crooked Lake 8th Annual Oktoberfest
Starts 11:00am at the Crooked Lake Community Center. Outdoor
Craft Market, Free Pumpkin Decorating for the kids, Free Hayrides,
Minnow Races for Young and Old, Beer Graden, Music by Local Favorite,
Whitey! Pig Roast dinner served from 1:00 - 5:00pm, Raffles all
day long! Visit website for details
Oct. 21
Near North Trail Riders 25th Annual Brat Fry -
11:00am-4:00pm at Nimrod Inn - N12808 Northway Drive, Athelstane. proceeds
go to trail maintenance - visit website for details.
Nov. 5
Veterans Day Celebration sponsored by the American Legion
Post 66 and Auxiliary.
10 am at the Silver Cliff Town Hall
January 14
Near North Trails Annual Meat Raffle
Noon to 4pm at the Fire Lane Bar & Grill. Bucket Raffles,
January 14
Kelly Lake Sportsmen's Club Fishing Derby
Food, refreshments, raffles with cash prizes and many other
prizes - Visit
Website for Details.
January 21
High Falls Snowmobile Radar Run. Sponsored by the Twin
Bridge Water Ski Team.
800 track. Trophies in all classes. 12 miles NW of Crivitz,
Boat Landing 3 Road. For more information call 715-757-3511.
January 21
Ice Skating Christmas Tree Burn sponsored by Crivitz
Fire Dept & Crivitz Rescue Squad. 6:00 PM at Crivitz
Fire Station - Free family event open to public
January 21
Third Annual Wausaukee Lions Brat Fry at Northwoods Bar.
Amberg WI. 11AM 4PM
Chili, brats, hamburgers and cheeseburgers will be available.
Proceeds fund local projects. There will also be a meat and 50/50
January 21
Annual White Potato Lake Ice Fishing Derby - visit website for details
8am - 3pm - Food and refreshments,
raffles and prizes for largest fish.
sponsored by the White Potato Lake Sportsmen's Club.
January 21 & 22
4th annual DNR Free Ice Fishing Weekend
January 28
Paul Bunyan Riders Snowmobile Club Snow Fun Day
Trail fundraiser at Waubee Lake Lodge starting at 1pm. Big ticket
drawing at 8pm. more
January 28
5th Annual Human Ice Bowling and Bed Races at Thorntons
Starts at 11am - 100% payout for both events. Sign up early,
cabins available for rent on the snowmobile trail. D.J. and meat/booze
raffles benefiting local charities all day long. Call 715 7573311
or visit our website for further details.
Feb. 1, 2014
57th Mountain Fire Department Fish-O-Rama
On Chute Pond starting at 8:00 am. Fish contest, boat load of
prizes, raffles and spin wheel. Drawings start at 10:00 AM Heated
building with food & refreshments. FIREWORKS at dusk!
Feb. 14
Candlelight Ski & Hike in the Peshtigo River State Forest
Candlelight & Headlamp Ski/Hike from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
in the Peshtigo River State Forest.
Starting from the Spring Rapids trailhead 5 miles west of Crivitz
on County W to Kirby Lake Lane - Warming fires & Hot Chocolate
available for everyone. Call 715-757-3965 for more information.
February 4
Annual Ice Bowling Tournament at Parkway Inn
February 11
High Falls
Fish-O-Rama, Snowmobile Radar Run & Winter Fest
Food, beverages, raffles in heated tent, 800' track. Trophies
in all classes. Sponsored by the Twin Bridge Water Ski Team.
12 miles NW of Crivitz, Boat Landing 3 Road. For more information
call 715-757-3511.
February 11
2nd Annual Craft-O-Rama at the Stephenson Town Hall from
9am - 4pm.
Craft show to benefit Twin Bridge Rescue Squad. Also raffles
and drawings. To sell at this event, conact Rose at 715-927-7005.