Thursday April 8th, 2010
Greetings and welcome!
3pm Update
It did indeed snow last night. I cleared between 2-3 inches off of the car this morning, and people as little as 10 miles southeast reported 4-5. When I was in Lakewood and Townsend it was an inch or a little more. Here are some pictures from 7am..
The snow did add up on roads and it was indeed slippery this morning. The snow did not last long and there are only random patches of it left on grassy areas. Most of those will be gone before the sunset and mid-20s overnight can save them. I am sure that there will be some slippery spots when the temp drops into the 20s with wet roads tonight.
There has to be some novelty to wearing long johns and a jacket today knowing that in a few days I will be riding in the boat at 65-70 degrees and looking for shorts. It does give some verification to the standard up north car wardrobe; a spare set of shorts, long pants, coat, and gloves, and you can skip the gloves in August. Maybe.
Overnight Update
Let’s start the day with a birthday shout out to my brother Robert. Happy B-day!
The weather guy goes whoda thunk it, yet again… The rain storm was a bit of a disappointment around here. It came out with totals about as predicted around here, while it rained much harder south of Hwy 64. We did get some, and so did the Peshtigo River Watershed, but it wasn’t as much as happened only 30 miles away.
The storm was moving south and east yesterday and I had it pretty much written off as over other than scattered stuff. Guess again Guitarzan.. it is snowing pretty good outside right now (12:30am). There is 1/2″ down, grassy areas are white and covering fast, and the radar says it might come for a few hours. Whoda thunk it? I will take all of the surprises like that we can get if it brings more precip. The pond is a little low this year, reflecting a dry winter and spring..
The water levels change quite a bit from year to year. Last year it was almost dry, a couple of years ago it was above the ring, and probably 6′ deeper.
Also a little strange, when I looked outside at the snow, the frogs in the pond were still sounding off. Hmm. Shouldn’t they be getting a little groggy if it is cold enough to snow?
Anyway, it was a cold and dreary few days since our last visit. It did not rain the whole time, it was more off and on waves and overcast days. Wednesday I had planned on getting a little firewood and exercise and was repelled by a windy and 40 something day. There was inside work to be done too, and with much nicer temps ahead, I made a management decision.
I did make it outside for a few spring pictures of the first green grass-new since the rain, the maple flowers, the first cherry buds, and the pond picture..
The other plant that I spotted budding was not a raspberry, I am not sure what it was. I will have to look again.
The rain did knock down the fire danger, and snow kinda does that too. It is now low, but high fire danger should return next week next week when temps go into the 60s and 70s. The rain and snow should boost river levels at least a little, and probably well timed for the weekend.
The weather today looks chilly again, with temps in the 40s and some pretty good winds. Friday finds it’s way up into the 50s, again with some breeziness. The weekend looks great, with partly cloudy and about 60 degree days. Beware sunset though, those same partly cloudy skies mean mid-30s at night.
Next week the nice weather forecast trend continues with some 70s expected early and mid week, followed by possibly a storm.
On the short list of stuff to play with outside is the boat. If it is going to be in the 60s and 70s, and the lakes are ice free, maybe it is time to get started on summer fun. Everything else seems 2-3 weeks ahead of normal, why not?
I am looking forward to the weekend with the nice weather. Also much anticipated its the flashback thing at Fisher’s Camp. Saturday they roll back the clock and Glen and Debbie, Mark & Sallie take over Fisher’s Camp for a day, and do things the way that they used to 4 or 5 years ago. It should mean a lot of old friends and a good time for sure. It is also a good chance to meet the new owners, who are nice folks and obviously have a sense of humor.
That is about it for now, more to follow. Have a good Thursday and thank you for visiting!