October 2010

Friday October 8th, 2010

Greetings and welcome!

We are starting another beautiful day this morning. Again we are expecting temps around 70 and fair weather. That is pretty much the weather story until about Wednesday of next week.

Being fall, it does get a little cool overnight still. Lows in the 40-45 degree range are to be expected. This is the type of morning chill that I use popple and basswood for, it burns fast makes enough heat to take the chill off, and goes away.

Anyway, the fall colors are progressing into a late show. The oaks are going red and there is stil a lot of yellow out there. The early stuff is done, but there is still a lot of color.

The insect world is enjoying the warm days. The biggest player is the gnat, but  there is a wide assortment of lady beetles & bugs, wasps, and flies.

I figured out where the paper wasps are nesting this year. Again they went for the peak of the work shed. New this year is the almost bowling ball sized nest under the bedroom air conditioner. That one died yesterday morning at first light.

In events we have a few good local ones..

October 9 Crooked Lake
Community Center

Crooked Lake Octoberfest Celebration

Sponsored by the Crooked Lake/Moutain Lions Club – Starts at 11am
Pig Roast & German Foods, Beer Garden, German Music

October 9 High Falls & Caldron Falls Flowages

23rd Annual Muskie Tournament

$60.00 per boat – cash prizes – Call 715-757-3511 (Popp’s Resort)
$10.00 per entry is used to stock muskie in the flowages

I haven’t been too far since our last visit, so I don’t have much to offer for a critter report.

Well it is a beautiful soon to be 70 degree day outside, and I am off to jump into it. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


Tuesday October 5th, 2010

Greetings and welcome!

It is a spectacular fall day outside today.

We have now snapped out of our cold trend. Last weekend had low temps around freezing and highs well below normal. This morning’s scattered frost is about the end of that for a few days.

For the next 5 or 6 days the forecast is pretty much a cookie cutter forecast. Nice weather is expected, with highs around 70 and lows between 45 and 50. The next rain in the forecast shows up late Sunday or early Monday, leaving us with a great week AND weekend.

The fall colors are moving right along. Some of the early stuff is done, but there is still a lot of color. Some oaks are turning firey red. A lot of hardwoods are showing yellows and orange. My drive down Moonshine Hill Rd today was nice.

Here are some events for the weekend..

October 9 Crooked Lake
Community Center

Octoberfest Celebration

Sponsored by the Crooked Lake/Moutain Lions Club – Starts at 11am
Pig Roast & German Foods, Beer Garden, German Music

October 9 High Falls & Caldron Falls Flowages

23rd Annual Muskie Tournament

$60.00 per boat – cash prizes – Call 715-757-3511
$10.00 per entry is used to stock muskie in the flowages

On my way back from Crivitz I saw that the corn maze on Nejedlo Rd is open on weekends now. Nejedlo Rd is just south of Wausaukee off of 141 to the west. The corn maze is about a mile west of 141 on the left(south) side of Nejedlo road.

Well, with a 70 degree day blooming in it’s full glory outside, I am not going to linger here. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!


Friday October 1, 2010

Greetings and welcome!

I ended up working past dark yesterday and never got to do fall color pictures.  It worked out better in that I travelled farther and know more, and the weather needs an update.

My travels today took me to Lakewood, Townsend and Carter, as well as down by High Falls Flowage. The colors varied a lot. The best spots were around here and south toward High Falls, a few patches on the way to Lakewood like around Wheeler Lake, and again at Townsend and Carter. It is a function of what kind of tree grows there. The real early maples are getting done, but the later ones are going good. Also showing off are the poplar, birch, and some cherry.

The weather changed a little in that it is raining outside now. There is only a 20% chance tonight, and no mention of it tomorrow. They did mention the winds at 10-15 gusting to 30 or so. It is not expected to frost tonight, but Saturday night could see 30 or so. Sunday still looks nice.

Not mentioned in the event list.. Prospect Lodge is having their Toys for Joys Ride Saturday.

While I was there, I caught a quick picture of Dockside’s mini-golf hole for the tournament tomorrow..

Fall Color Pictures..

Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!