Greetings and welcome!
I apologize for not having an early week report. I have been working away from home this week.
It has been a nice week. The sun has been out and temperatures and humidity were pretty reasonable Monday and Tuesday. It was a welcome relief from last week’s heat.
Monday I took the electric bill outside to do a meter reading to see how bad the bill for the AC during the heat wave was going to be. It ended up being about $120 for those 10 days, more than my whole July electric bill last year. It will smart a little when the bill comes, but $12 a day to stay comfortable doesn’t seem that bad.
Yesterday we saw a little rain. The area rain gauges show as little as 0.08″ and as much as 0.25″. The majority of the storm stayed south, giving southern WI and neighboring states a lot of rain. One line of storms lined up on Dubuque, IA and gave them a reported 10.3″ of rain at the airport as wave after wave of the storm came down the same path like train cars on a track. While we would be delighted if that happened in the Peshtigo River watershed, it is a disaster anywhere else, and our thoughts are with our friends in that area today.
We have a nice weekend ahead. Friday and Saturday look like nice days in the mid-80s. Overnight lows in the low to mid-60s will make evening campfires and star gazing comfotable too.
Sunday the NWS adds in a 30% chance of rain. The NAM and GFS models don’t think much of it, giving us a QPF of 0.01-0.1″ per 6 hours.
There are not a lot of events this weekend, but there are a few.
The Crivitz Rescue Squad is having a Ride For Rescue this Saturday. It is a fundraiser for the Crivitz Rescue Squad that leaves Riverside in at 11:30am. Here is a link (PDF!).
The Crooked Lake Lion’s Club is having a Brat Fry Saturday at the Lakewood Super Value store from 10-2.
The Brazeau Fire, Rescue and Dive Team’s Annual Fundraiser Picnic is this Saturday too. Brazeau is a little south of White Potato Lake.
It was pretty pleasant working outside this week. Not only was the weather nice, the bugs were pretty much absent. I was working on a place in the woods by a lake, and I did not see a mosquito at all. I think one of the guys had a deer fly, but that was it. No complaints here!
I did have a few critter sightings this week, but two are a little in doubt. One was a little critter crossing the road about a mile west of McCaslin Mountain Campground about sunset Tuesday. I am guessing that it was a weasel, fisher or a marten, but without a better look it is speculative.
Yesterday I was heading west on Eagle River Rd near Northway Dr (Old A) when a critter ambled across the road about 1/8th of a mile ahead of me. By my assessment it was a cougar, but I can’t be sure. The size, body shape, and walk were right, but without seeing that long tail I can’t say it was for sure a big cat.
Beyond those there were a few deer and porcupines, and an osprey on the river last weekend.
We will be having fun on the rivers again this weekend. The Peshtigo is on the low side at -2, but still runnable. The Menominee is varying between 1,000-1,800cfs, good to go either way. If fast water isn’t your thing, check out the sit on top kayaks where you can tour the upstream end of Caldron Falls Flowage, or the tubing.
Well there is much to do today, so I am off to go and jump into another full day in the beautiful north woods.
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!