Greetings and welcome!
It is another pleasant August day today. With temps in the low 80s and with moderate humidity the overcast is helping to keep it comfortable.
We have been in a pretty comfortable weather pattern for a while now, and it should last into next week and beyond. I recognize the pattern from winter where we see weak storms every 3-4 days and generally pleasant weather. In winter I dread the pattern because it only brings small snows.
It isn’t going to snow this week here, but we have a chance of rain tonight and tomorrow and again about Friday night or Saturday morning. As mentioned above they are weak, cut off storms. Tonight/tomorrow looks like the big one with a possible 0.25-0.5″ of rain, but the radar doesn’t look very impressive right now, so that might be generous. Saturday’s rain is a meager 0.1-0.25″ possible rainfall, not much to worry about.
In the meantime I don’t see a high temperature over 81 in the NWS 7 day outlook. I can’t say that I am mad about that.
Chris and I were talking the other day wondering if the back of the summer hot weather has been broken and we are starting into a more pleasant September pattern with nice days and cool nights. It seems that way, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
So the weather looks good with a few minor exceptions.
The progress on the construction on Parkway North (Hwy I) has been coming right along. They have asphalt from about 1/2 mile north of Wolfe Ln down to C, and over the weekend some was done with a second layer. They were back at it yesterday.
I didn’t cover much of the picnic and parade in my Sunday update, mostly because I missed both. As happens every year, my work at Kosir’s kept me away. I actually took the long way back to dodge getting caught in the parade on the way back from a trip. I would have preferred to catch it, but I had a schedule to meet. The ride through the beech forest and back down Harper were nice.
Chris said that the politicians running in today’s recall elections were both in the parade. My response was that explains the horse (droppings) along the road..
Chris went with me on a computer call the other night and we took the long way. On the way we saw a rabbit, a coyote, a deer, and a momma deer and fawn. Not bad for 8 miles.
We have a lot of events coming up. Here is Chris’ list, and I will follow up with some new ones out of the papers.
August 20 |
Animal’s Bear Trail Inn
Hwy 64 and County T
Mountain WI |
The Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club fundraiser – noon – 6:00 pm
meat raffles, 50-50 raffles and a Brat-Burger Fry.
Proceeds go to improving and adding ATV Trails & Routes
in the Lakewood, Riverview & Doty Townships. |
August 20 |
Middle Inlet Fire Station
Hwy 141 |
11th Annual VFD Picnic & Open House
Raffles, Paddle Wheel, Silent Auction, Food & Refreshments |
August 20 |
Village of Pound Park
Parkview Ln & Cty Q |
4th Annual CCBA POUND THE PAVEMENT Walk/Run 7:00 am – |
August 21 |
County Rd F |
15th Annual St. Mary’s of the Lake Parish Picnic Outdoor Polka Mass at 10am – Picnic to follow
Food & Beverages, Live Music, Raffles, Games & Prizes, Rummage Sale |
It looks like Chris was pretty thorough, the only thing that I found was up in Laona the VFW is having a corn boil with free corn, refreshments, kids games, drawings & raffles and more. That and Galaxy & Fritz are playing at the Beach Club Saturday night. That is of interest because they will be playing the Rapids Resort next Saturday night.
Next weekend and Labor Day weekend there are a lot of events.
I am hoping that we see a lot of rain tonight and tomorrow to keep the whitewater fun on the Peshtigo River going. Right now it is pretty rocky but runnable if you are dedicated. Usually I look for levels over 300cfs and a minimum of about 200, and we are at 204. An inch or three of rain would turn that around with perfect timing for the weekend. There is the Menominee, which is still running over 1,000cfs daily.
Well, the clock is getting away from me again so I have to run. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!