September 2020

Thursday 9-24-2020

Greetings and welcome!

We have a lot to talk about today.

First up is fall colors. The maples and other early species north of Crivitz are at about what I would consider peak color. It is really a spectacular display.

Other species will follow with some color, but in my opinion the best of the show is the early maples. That show is here.

It seems like on sunny days the colors don’t stand out quite as much as they do on cloudy or rainy days. This weekend looks like rain on Saturday night, which hopefully means some clouds and prime viewing conditions.

Item two is the Thursday flea markets/farmer’s markets. The ones that went on in downtown Crivitz ended after Labor Day. Now some nice folks are trying to keep it going. They are using the old Peshtigo River Inn, the huge former motel south of town at 141 and Airport Rd. If the weather is nice they will be outside. If not they will go inside where there is plenty of room for social distancing.

This weekend is the big Crivitz harvest festival. They will be doing that outside rain or shine. Here is a poster with details.

Covid fear has come to the Twin Bridge and Silver Cliff area again. The word on the street is that there is an outbreak in the area. At that point a lot of bars and restaurants are closing for cleaning and out of an abundance of caution. The list of closings so far include; Woody’s Bar, Newton Lake Inn, Bobby Jo’s Roadside Saloon ( the old Curve Inn), and Firelane. Sportsman’s Cafe and Jungle Jim’s have returned to carry out food only. I know that I am missing a couple of closures, but that is the list off of the top of my head.

This week’s weather has been very nice with pleasant days and high temps near 80. We are ok on that through the weekend with temps around 70. The middle of next week will bring a very different outlook. Upper air temperatures will be cold enough to bring snow, and next Wednesday could bring high temperatures ‘near 50’. Looking at the GFS forecast model we are probably in for a week or so of that cooler weather before things start getting back to more seasonal temperatures.

Last year winter came in mid-October and didn’t go away until May. It caught me and a lot of other people off guard. Hopefully we can wait a little longer this year. As always I am way behind in my pre-winter work and my regular work world is off the rails busy. I am getting more than a little concerned., especially since we have lost almost 6 hours of daylight.

Kosir’s rafting is getting a new building this fall. Here is a picture of them tearing down the old office yesterday. The huge snow load partially collapsed the roof last winter and they need to rebuild before the snow comes again.

They will be rafting this weekend though. The water on the Peshtigo River is still way above normal ( about a +6”) and the river is on the rise from last night’s rain. Some areas near the watershed saw as much as 2-3” of rain last night, so the river is a sure thing for this weekend. With the fall colors popping at near peak it would be a great weekend to hit the river.

I think that is about it for my list this morning. If I need to I will update bar closings and any other events that I find.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


Friday September 18th, 2020

Greetings and welcome!

We have a chilly morning this morning. According to Athelstane Weather’s station we went down to 28.6ºF last night and made it up to 30 at 7:30am. Fall is here and it feels like winter will be hot on it’s tail.

Speaking of fall, the early maples are in their full glory right now. The deep red ones are in their prime as are the ones that fluoresce between green and orange. I personally like the early maple show the best and it is here.

They are still whitewater rafting at Kosir’s, and the water levels are still well above normal. Catching a fall colors rafting trip might be fun this weekend.

Another sign that fall is here is that the deer are running stupid. I had to slam on the brakes repeatedly this week as deer rocketed out of nowhere in front of the car. Three of them got within three feet of my bumper, but so far I haven’t hit any yet. Watch out when you are driving.

I don’t have any events for this weekend.

My fall chores are now way behind. Work has been unusually busy and I haven’t had much time off. Combined with short days (down to 12 hours 19 minutes of sunlight now) and three of the hours not great for outside work because of frosty mornings or chilly sunsets, I need to make use of every available hour of daylight.

On that note, it is time to get rolling. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



Wednesday September 9th, 2020

Greetings and welcome!

I am insanely busy this week so  am getting a head start here. We have some stuff to talk about.

First up is the short term weather.

Today we have had rain from this morning until now, 10pm, and it looks like there is just a little more on the way. It has varied between light and moderate rain all day. The USGS gauge by Kosir’s shows about 2/3″ as of 9:15pm. The radar estimates are at about 0.7″. There are areas not very far north that got as much as 1.5″.

Next up in weather is our cold weather. You have probably heard news reports from out west where their 90º heatwave had winter storm warnings the next day and a foot of snow. That is a heck of a cold front. Here is a picture from Facebook. The guy was in the 80s the day before.

Well, we got a little taste of that too. Today we had a high temp of 49 degrees. Our normal high temp is about 70. The TV weather guy showed a chart of normal high temperatures, and we are not under 50 until the beginning of November. We set a lot of records in the state today for the lowest high temperature for the date. In many cases it was by 5 degrees or more.

We are not in any danger of having snow but there are frost alerts out for counties immediately to our northwest. There are freeze warnings out for the far northwestern part of the state.

I am not looking forward to an early winter. I have weeks of outside work to do before it freezes or snows. My every instinct is screaming that I had better get on it.

Next up is fall colors.  A week ago I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any early maples changing yet. Wow did they go off in the past few days. Some of the really colorful red maples are in full color already and there is a good bit of orange and red popping up too. These are mostly just the earliest maples. It was surprising to me that it came late and then went off like a firecracker.

Next up is Parkway Inn’s End of Summer Bash next weekend. Here are the posters..

That is it for tonight. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!



Saturday September 5th, 2020-Updated

Updated 12:30pm

Greetings and welcome!

It is a nice comfortable day outside today, but there is definitely some wind (12-20+).

There are tons of people up for the holiday weekend already and more are on the way. When I was heading north this morning 141 was very busy and Crivitz at the Piggly Wiggly was nuts. The cell towers are as clogged as on any holiday weekend.

The Peshtigo River is still well above normal. Most Labor Day weekends it is too low to be fun. This weekend it is still +5″, and fun level for anyone. Call Kosirs. 715-757-3431.

Next door the Piano Man Bob Heckler is playing tonight at Rapids Resort.

Here are some more events..

Riverview Fire Department Corn Roast
Date: Sept. 5, 2020

Free corn all day! Fun for the kids and adults with food, bucket drops, spin the wheel and music! Located at the Fire Department, 15408 WI-32.

Location: Riverview Fire Department

Address: 15408 WI-32
Mountain, WI, 54149

Click here for more information »
Contact Phone Number: 715-850-0364

Lakewood Firefighter’s Annual Picnic
Date: Sept. 6, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Music, food, raffles and sweet corn! Starting at noon till 8:00pm at the Lakewood Pavilion.  For more information, call Randy at 715-276-7222.
Location: Lakewood Pavilion
Contact Phone Number: 715-276-7222

Here is a poster from the big Suring event.

That is all that I have right now. Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!



Early AM Update-

I have about 2 minutes to update.. I will have to come back later to finish up.

In the meantime there is an event this afternoon that you should know about. The Red Arrow Townsend ATV/Snowmobile Club is having their Labor Day weekend corn roast and ATV parade today. They have a very impressive list of raffle prizes (Listed on their web site) and free sweet corn. In past years there has been a really impressive line of ATVs on the trail ride/parade.