Wednesday October 28th, 2020

Greetings and welcome!
I have a very busy late week ahead so I am getting a head start here today.

I know that I complain about the weather a lot. It is because we are having November weather a month early. Yesterday morning it got down to 18 and the high was 38. That is about 12 degrees below normal on both ends.

I found a cool website tonight that has climatology information for Crandon. That is about as close as it gets to our climate. I actually gave them a link in the weather links section. Their navigation is a little goofy but if you poke around you can find a treasure trove of information on length of day, normal high & low temps and much more. Here is the October temperature graph. We have been pretty consistently 10-15 degrees  low this year, and a lot more like November’s graph.

Driving to Crivitz this afternoon I saw a pretty good sized pond skinned across with ice. It isn’t the first time. Between the wind and below normal temperatures we are getting a head start on cooling off the lakes and getting a little ice.

The snow has mostly melted. There is some patchy stuff holding in shaded areas. Both the roads and ground will hold snow if it were to come.

We will finally get out of this crazy cold pattern with a lot of precip, and into a lot more variable weather in the weeks ahead. I will likely get a couple of 50 degree days, but there are cold waves too. Farther out in the reaches of the model I am seeing hints of a big storm coming. That clock is ticking, and the snow will likely stay for a while.

Saturday we are expecting to get up to 47, a degree above normal. Next week shows promise of a few warm days too.

One big deal is the time change this weekend. I have to tell you, I am not a fan. On Nov 1 sunset is at 4:41pm, and by the 30th, 4:13pm.

I do have one event this weekend, a Halloween ATV ride by TMVI.

This weekend should be interesting.. A full moon on Halloween, a blue moon, that falls on a Saturday, as the time switches. I am not quite sure what to think about that.

Have a good week and thank you for visiting!




Friday 10-23-2020

Greetings and welcome!

It has been quite a week in weather. Wednesday we had 3-4″ of wet heavy snow. Happily most of it melted off of the roads fairly quickly. It did not melt as quickly off of grass and cold surfaces. Thursday morning found 2+ inches of cement snow on the car and the grass. The snow had melted down and then refrozen into some really thick ice. I was pretty sure that we had seen the last of the grass for the winter.

Yesterday we had a very powerful storm hit the state. You probably saw on the news how Green Bay saw as much as 3.5″ of rain and Oshkosh saw as much as 4.5″ of rain. There was news footage on the morning news of people in Oshkosh driving cars through a foot or more of water, and reports of over 40 cars getting swamped and needing a tow truck. One guy had water in his basement right to the ceiling.

We had a wild ride up north too. We had some crazy clouds as smoke from western fires got trapped in mid levels of the storm and gave us some weird coloration. Normally that smoke needs to go into the stratosphere 5 miles up to reach us. It had not so we were not expecting smoky skies. In an unusual scenario the powerful storm had trapped some of that smoke in the mid levels.

Anyway, at times yesterday the sky was as dark as it would be 45 minutes after sunset. We had snow for a while, enough to slush up the roads a little. That was followed by rain. Early afternoon I was in Lakewood and left earlier than planned because the roads were freezing up in spots making glare ice. I crawled home in 4 wheel drive. In many areas it was just wet. Just when I thought  I was safe the ABS light would start flashing indicating that all of the wheels were not turning at the same speed. Back to a crawl. Eventually the rain thawed the roads.

Later in the day we had a line of thunderstorms line up on us and do the train thing. The line was camped over us and the thunder and lightning came in wave after wave like train cars going down a track. We probably had two hours of thunder and lightning. My thunder shy dog was not having a good night.

In the end we got about an inch of rain out of it. Here is a screen capture of the radar precip estimates. You can see the distinctive line going over our area.

I looked out out of the window late last night and even the thunderstorms had not eliminated the ice/snow layer on the ground. As mentioned before I was wondering if we had seen the last of the grass for the year. This morning found only patchy areas remaining.

When I went to Lakewood yesterday I noticed that every low spot, swamp and ditch was full. Some areas had a ~1/2″ layer of ice on top. That prompted me to look up historical rainfall. According to the USGS rain guage by Kosir’s (which frequently under-reports rainfall) we have had 15 inches of rainfall since July 1st. We have had 4″ of rainfall in the past month, with two of them in the past couple of days.

Right away my thoughts turned to people with hunting land that have low spots. Don’t be surprised when those low areas are well flooded.

Now rain has not been the only challenge this fall. I don’t think that we have seen 50 degrees in the past couple of weeks. Normally the typical high temperature does not go below 50 until the beginning of November. This month we have been consistently 10-15 degrees below normal. Doing firewood at 38 with a strong wind and drizzle is a lot different than a sunny 50 or 55 degree day.

Next up… my worries about freezing plumbing. We have been in the danger zone for that several times already with nighttime lows near or below 20. We are going to have that again tonight through Sunday night when expected low temperatures are around 23. Monday is the deadline when Monday night’s expected low temperature will be 16 degrees. That will break stuff.

Between the cold weather and near daily rain October has been an absolute disaster in my world for trying to winterize, work on cars, trucks, power equipment, and snowmobiles, and do firewood. I am weeks behind. We will get a little break in the rain after Sunday’s snow, but the cold is still stuck here for at least another week. The first week of November should warm up a little but there is a good chance of a significant storm at the end of that week. That is likely the beginning of winter. I love living here but it is not without challenges.

I am off to get on my work before the snow starts up again this afternoon. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


Wednesday October 21st, 2020

Greetings and welcome!

We can add another milestone to the coming of winter almanac. Yesterday and last night we saw 3-4″ of wet heavy snow. That would make it our first shovel worthy snowfall. Reports have a solid 3″ near Fisher’s Camp and a solid 4″ up on Old J Rd a few miles to the west. Friends in Wausaukee reported little or no snow.

The snow did cause some problems. With some leaves still on the trees the heavy snow sticking to everything, it isn’t surprising that it would take down some branches and cause power outages. On the west end of Silver Cliff and in Athelstane power was knocked out for a while. To the east the power flashed off and on 3-4 times. One person reported going out to clear the satellite dish and hearing branches cracking in the woods under the weight of the snow.

Right at 7am WPS is reporting that 379 people are out of power in Athelstane, 945 are out in Lakewood, 287 are out in Mountain, and 358 are out in Townsend.

I would also expect roads to be slippery in spots. Unlike previous snowfalls this one accumulated on the driveway as much as on cold surfaces like the car hood.

We did get cold Sunday and Monday nights. The lowest temperatures that I saw was 19 degrees, and it was close to that both nights.



Saturday 10/17/2020

Snow & Cold Update

We had snow Friday morning that covered the grass at sunrise. Later in the day we drove to Antigo. That ride was a mix of big ugly dark clouds, and when we got under them, fairly heavy snow driven by very strong winds. It was not enough to accumulate on the roads, but some collected on roofs and grassy areas.

The snow squalls must have moved north or northeast, because once we got back to Silver Cliff there wasn’t much going on and no accumulations.

This morning we had snow again. Big goose down flakes added up to an inch or just a little more before it was over. Roads got a little slushy, and in shaded areas, they got a little white. The gravel driveway held snow. Now at 1:30pm it is 40 degrees and the snow on the grass is going away.


I went out to the well hose today and set up a heater. I was nervous about the last couple of nights. Everything was fine, but the unheated well house had an inside temperature of 36 degrees. That isn’t anything that will damage plumbing, but I am always nervous about it. Anyway, the NWS is predicting a low of 23 and a high of 41 for Sunday and Monday. Once we are past that we are out of the woods for a while as far as freezing plumbing.

Everyone’s spot is a little different as far as winterizing plumbing. Most people will be ok. If the pipes are right out in the open a low of 23 might be getting a little risky. You know your situation better than I do.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!