November 2021

Friday 11-26-2021

Greetings and welcome!

There is no question about it anymore, winter is here.

When I was out chasing supplies Wednesday I was surprised to see the Townsend Flowage frozen across. Waubee Lake had about 2/3 coverage. That has probably progressed quite a bit. Wednesday night we got down to 10 degrees and last night we got down to 7, and our high temp today was only 27.

We also had some snow and now the ground is all white, though there is still some grass showing through. That snow made roads pretty greasy yesterday. They had treated them with salt earlier in the week for a light snow that made it icy, but when we were out Thanksgiving night there were still plenty of slippery spots on main roads, and town roads were completely ice and snow covered. Winter driving is sure here.

Now the forecast for Saturday is for about 2″ of additional snow and the possibility of some freezing rain mixing in at times.

I am not sure how the gun deer season is going yet. On the big buck contest boards there was a lot of white space, so it doesn’t seem like it is up much. Unfortunately that is not a lot to go on.

That is about it from here. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



Monday 11-22-2021 -Freeze Warning

Greetings and welcome!

This post is a heads up for those that haven’t winterized plumbing yet. The forecast has the one-two punch that will freeze pipes.

Tonight (Sunday night/Monday morning 12:15am) we are down to 22 degrees, heading for an expected low of 18. Monday is only expected to get up to 29, and then Monday night down to 12.

With my well house I am ok as long as it gets above 40 in the daytime and not too far into the low 20s at night. With it going into the teens tonight and low teens tomorrow night, and not getting above freezing in between, we are in the danger zone. It is time to plug in that heat tape, fire up the heaters, blow out lines, or whatever you do to keep your plumbing happy.

Best wishes,


Friday 11-19-2021

Greetings and welcome!

We have a cloudy 34 degree day today. There is no snow on the ground at all, and the ground is not very frozen.

Gas in Crivitz was down a little, ranging from $3.11 to $3.15.

When I went to Crivitz between noon and 1pm traffic was moderate.

I have seen more deer than in the recent past years. In my travels the population is up a little. I have even seen three bucks, two small ones and one really big antlered fellow that any hunter would hang on a wall. Chances of seeing a deer are better than the recent past years.

There were quite a few people around yesterday already, and after dark many of the bars and restaurants had big crowds.

The weather for opening day is probably nicer than some would like. We are looking at mostly cloudy with a high of about 45. The wind forecast is pretty minimal with the NWS calling for 5-7mph winds going calm in the afternoon.

There is a chance of rain and snow on Sunday, but right now it looks like it will come late in the day and be pretty minimal.

The calm winds will be a nice break. We had a lot of windy days this week, including some periods with 30-40mph gusts. I saw one rotten tree that fell down.

There is no ice on the lakes and ponds. We have had some nights in the low 20s that made a little shell ice on the edges, but the sun and over 40 temps in the daytime took care of that.

Good luck to the deer hunters, and be safe both in the woods and on the highways.




Friday 11-05-2021

Greetings and welcome!

We had a cold week this week. We got as low as the low 20s a couple of nights and some high temperatures were in the low 40s. There was also a howling wind most of the time, making those cold days feel even colder.

Those cold howling winds out of the northwest caused some lake effect snow, and an area northwest of Land O Lakes saw as much as 6″ collect on the ground. Some of that lake effect snow make it all of the way here, and several times we ended up with a dusting. Earlier in the week there was a pretty good flurry that made it seem like we were going to see some real snow. It never did add up to much.

I did see on my Facebook memories that we had snow yesterday in several years in the recent past that did add up to real snow. So far this year it has not accumulated beyond a dusting.

We are going to get a break from the cold this weekend as temperatures get up into the mid and upper 50s. It looks like we have until about Wednesday before the bottom drops out. The forecast model that I am looking at shows rain changing to snow and then a lot more cold and possibly snowy weather.

Last Friday night we had a pretty remarkable sunset. A lot of people stopped and took notice. Here is one snap that I took with my phone down by the Crivitz airport. If you zoom in to the lower part there is a lot of texture there too.

We have an event for this weekend..

Here are some more upcoming events..

That is about it for me. I have a long list of things to do before winter weather comes along next week. I am off to get started on the list. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!