Friday 7-16-2021
Greetings and welcome!
It looks like we have a very nice weekend on tap this weekend. Today and Saturday will be in the low 80s, and Sunday in the upper 80s. Low temperatures in the low to mid-50s should make for good campfire weather. There is no rain in the forecast.
We had a day this week where we had a risk of severe weather and heavy rains. The forecast was for 1-2″ of rain. All of that moved south and we ended up with a rainy day and minor rain accumulations. We could have used more rain but missing the severe weather was great.
We have some events coming up this weekend. There is the Lakewood Mardi Gras, the Doty VFD Picnic, and some truck pulls in Lena.
There is an interesting event possibly happening for next weekend- A cardboard boat regatta at Twin Bridge Park. You can build a boat out of nothing but cardboard, duck tape and whatever water based paint, and then it is off to the races. That sounds like it could be very fun and entertaining.
Next month we have the Silver Cliff Centennial celebration coming up. This is a really big deal and (thanks to covid) it has been two years in the making. A lot of people have been working really hard on this and there is a lot planned. Here are a couple of pictures of the poster and banner.
I will work on getting a better poster picture and any additional information that I can.
That is it for me today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!