September 2022

Come & Party With Us!

As many of you know I got married in late June in a very small and a very quiet affair. I can promise you that the wedding party will not be a quiet affair ; ) .
The band is really good, playing music that everyone knows and will get up and dance to. We went and saw them at Skinny Dave’s pig roast and they were bringing the house down.

I made up special bar chips that get you a dollar off of your drinks and there will be some free snacks too. It is outside at The Rustic where they have a party barn, and we will have a tent too, just in case the weather doesn’t smile on us. Come on out and celebrate with us! Everyone is welcome!

Friday 9-2-2022

Greetings and welcome!

The big holiday weekend is here!

I noticed a big increase in traffic this year starting already on Wednesday. It looks like it is going to be a big weekend.

Item one is the weather. It looks like a hot one today with temps getting up into the mid-80s. Not nice, but get it while you can. Overnight tonight we are expecting some thunderstorms announcing a cold front coming through. That will leave the rest of the weekend cool and pleasant. High temps for Saturday and Sunday look to be about 70, and Monday about 74. You will want to bring cold weather gear along, with clear nights low temperatures are expected to go down into the mid 40s.

I am not going to list rummage sales this weekend. It would be faster to count the blades of grass in Yellowstone. Let’s just say that there are a lot of them with signs on just about every corner. Rummage sale fans are in for a good weekend.

Listing weekend events is only slightly less crazy. I know I won’t get all of them but I will let you know about what I know about.

First up is Kosir’s. They have a lot going on this weekend. The river will be at a decent level for funyaks and tubing, but that is not all. Here is info from their Facebook post..

This Saturday, Labor Day Weekend! at Kosir’s Rapid Rafts
We have a great line up!
World Yo-yo champion Mark Hayward
LED and FIRE juggling with Steven Clipson
Aerial dance with Luv Joy Seamon and Sandra Newbury
Partner acrobatics with Deanna Schneider and Sandra Newbury
And Ben BJörkman as our family friendly MC!
Thanks to Jim Vogel for our beautiful lights and sound!
The Piano Man Bob Heckler will be playing at Rapids Resort Sunday night.
Just down the road The Rustic is having live music nightly.
Some posters..
Beyond that..
Amberg is having their Fireman’s Picnic.

Riverview is having a fireman’s picnic and corn roast

Red Arrow ATV/Snowmobile Club is having a big corn roast and ATV ride.

Suring is having a big Labor Day celebration.

The Town of Stephenson Fire Dept Auxiliary on Sunday Sept4th at 1:00 pm at Thunder Mountain Valley Inn

That is my list so far, though I know that there are a lot more events than that.

When I was in town yesterday and to the west Wednesday gas prices were at about $3.69 a gallon, plus or minus a few cents here and there.

That is all that I have for the moment. I will update later if I run across anything else.

Have a fun and safe weekend and thank you for visiting!