July 2023

7-28-2023 Storm Update

Greetings and welcome!

We had a strong storm hit the area at about sunset last night. It had plenty of lightning, a LOT of rain, and some strong winds. The power went out a couple of times and came back on. The best that I can tell from searching area web sites is that there were a few trees down here and there but there is no widespread damage. At my house it blew over a folding lawn chair and broke one small branch off of a very dead tree.

Yesterday the atmosphere was charged up like a taser and was really ready to go off in a big way. It was a very hot day and the humidity was very high. That all adds up to a tremendous amount of energy in the atmosphere. When I looked it up the surface CAPE was up to 3,500, and the rest of the atmospheric dynamics were also well into the severe weather range. I was very concerned.

The storm looked really scary when it was moving in. There was a lot of red on the radar, a lot of lightning, and it was moving at almost 50mph. My poor dog that is afraid of thunderstorms was going crazy.

Happily it all ended with some strong winds, a lot of torrential downpours, and plenty of thunder and lightning.

Between last night and Wednesday’s torrential rains I would guess that we saw 3-4″ of rain in the last two days. There will likely be some washed out roads and driveways and some flooded low areas. To the best of my knowledge that will be the extent of the damage. I will update if I see anything else in my travels.

Here is a link to a Facebook post by a guy name Dan Smeiska, the Northwoods Storm Chaser. He caught a very dramatic picture of the wall cloud as it moved in. https://www.facebook.com/groups/Crivitz.WI.Links/permalink/3569503750045319/


Wednesday 7-26-2023

Greetings and welcome!

It feels a lot like summer around here.. The weather has been on the warm side and we have had a few lines of afternoon showers and storms popping up. That’s good, we can use the rain.

Yesterday I was cutting grass way at the end of our private road, about 1/4 mile down. The skies were getting a little dark and I was almost done. Yeah.. The skies opened up and I was done alright. It was a rockin’ downpour and I had to laugh as I raced up the 1/4 mile road at the tractor’s top speed of 4mph. I pushed it and lost. Play stupid games..

Anyway, that storm dropped close to an inch of rain in about 20 minutes. The road went from totally dry to huge puddles that fast.

It happened again this afternoon. The heat of the day and all of the moisture in the atmosphere stirred up a dandy line of storms. When I drove through it between Wausaukee and Silver Cliff it was an incredibly intense downpour where it couldn’t physically rain much faster. There was some thunder, but no wind or hail.

The storm continued to intensify and southeast of here the NWS put out a warning that radar indicated 70mph winds and up to 1/2″ hail. It looked like only one little spot that got really strong. I haven’t heard of any damage or if the ground truth was as dramatic as the radar estimates.

When I was cutting grass at the Silver Cliff house it was only the second time this summer. That is very unusual. Most of what I was cutting was weeds. The grass had a rough year. In areas that it usually chokes the mower it just wasn’t that thick.

Those weeds are also wildflowers, and there is a very nice variety going on right now.

I did notice a ripe raspberry while I was over there. I don’t know if there are a lot or a little, I spotted it on the way back up the driveway in a downpour. I will have to look into that when I go finish up.

We have had a rough year for gypsy moths and tent caterpillars. Those are turning into moths now and there are a lot of them. We are probably in for a bad year for them next year too if all of those moths have a successful breeding season.

Some of the weather buddies were getting pretty excited about a hot week this week. Over the weekend there were predictions of days close to 100ºF. That has mellowed a lot. Now we are looking at mid 80s and a high of 91 Thursday. The weekend looks seasonal at about 80. It is late summer so an afternoon pop-up storm is a possibility just about daily.

This weekend they are having Weinerfest North in Lakewood.

I will update with any other events that I find.

That’s it for today. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!





Friday 7-14-2023

A couple of quick Friday updates..

The weather looks hit and miss for the weekend. The cut off low set up to the west of where I expected it. That means the possibility of some more wildfire smoke and occasional rain. The rain looks pretty hit and miss so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. The past few days have been nice with an occasional shower.

We have some events this weekend.

The Paul Bunyan snowmobile club will be having a brat fry at the SuperValu store in Lakewood Saturday.

The Near North Trail Riders (snowmobile & ATV club).. “We’ll be having a Meat and More Raffle on Saturday, July 15, 2023 at Firelane Bar and Grill from 1:00pm to 4:00pm! All funds raised go directly into the trails and equipment. We’ll be doing a 50/50 raffle halfway through..”

The Rustic is having live music with Jason Albert Saturday night and a polka band Sunday afternoon. Ooom Paa Paa..

Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!!



Tuesday 7-11-2023

Greetings and welcome!

I really wanted to update last week. I really really did. It was not a good week in Ray-land and I just couldn’t do it. I switched one of my servers over to a new ultra-fast cloud server setup. What they didn’t tell me was that it ran on a totally different operating system than I had never seen. It was very challenging getting all of the security into place web sites up and running again and it took my patience right to the outer limits.

At the same time I was rewiring my RV with a totally new battery bank, inverter and charger-converter setup. Between the four digit cost of that and the endless challenges wiring it in, I was in a fully foul mood by the end of the week. I just couldn’t bring myself to do an update with that much anger and fully exhausted patience. This is supposed to be a happy place. I am sorry for the lack of an update when so much was going on, but I just couldn’t do it.

Last night we had a big thunderstorm. Yesterday we were in the low 90s for temperatures. A cold front came through and today we are at a very comfortable 72. With a change that dramatic we were in for some dramatic weather. The storm hit at about 9:30pm with some wind, fitful downpours, and a really incredible lightning and thunder show. There was no severe weather associated with the frontal passage, so no worries there.

In the weather ahead I have to guess a little because the government weather forecasting servers are down. Apparently they supply my private forecasting sites too. From what I can tell a cut off low pressure area is going to set up camp to our east up in Canada and bring a chance of showers daily right through the weekend. We could sure use the rain. Temperatures though the period should be in the upper 70s to low 80s. There is a chance that the circulation of that cut off low could bring the Canadian wildfire smoke back. That totally depends on exactly where it sets up camp, so that remains in the ‘maybe’ column.

There is a lot of talk about gypsy moths and tent caterpillars lately. In areas that have them they have them bad. Driving up A from Crivitz you can see that the trees have been completely defoliated. It is very area specific. People are asking if the DNR is going to spray. The short answer is no. It is too late in the season for that. You are on your own.

For events this weekend we have the Lakewood Mardi Gras. That has grown into a big deal with, “Live music, carnival rides and games, a softball tournament, and more! Lakewood Mardi Gras parade on Sunday starting at noon!”

I am not aware of other events at the moment. There are always having live music at the local bars. Again it is too early to track all of those down.

I took a ride up to Lake X this week. I was happy to see that the clouds of mosquitoes had thinned out considerably and that there were a lot of dragonflies cleaning up the rest of them. That doesn’t bother me one bit. Hopefully I can finish up the upgrades on the RV and get the fishing boat in order and head up there soon. I am in serious need of some campfire and fishing boat time.

There is a chance of northern lights later this week. According to Space Weather (.com). There is a CME that will pass close to earth about Thursday night. The NASA model shows a glancing blow and the NOAA model is showing it missing the earth. Apparently this has made a lot of news and weather programs because people are asking about it. There is a chance, but I wouldn’t classify it as a good chance. The sky watchers that are into this sort of thing are skeptical. It would be great if it did hit. The northern lights are always cool to see.

With the rain last night it will be time to cut grass soon. The radar estimates ranged from 0.75″ to 1.5″ of rainfall. We have had it easy in the grass cutting department this year with the dry weather. Now that it had a nice rainfall and more on the way there will be some grass to cut soon.

I am off for today’s adventures. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!