Thursday 8-24-2023

Greetings and welcome!

It has been another very full week (of chaos) and here we are with another late update.

Yesterday they had all sorts of heat warnings out. With the humidity some of the ‘feels like’ temps in WI were expected to be over 110 degrees. We were expecting to go into the mid-90s with higher ‘feels like’ temps.

I am happy to report that it didn’t happen. The big dome of hot and humid air did not progress as far north as expected. We ended up with a humid day yesterday but it only got up to 79. Here are some of the nearby places that did get warm.

We were expecting another hot one today, but at the moment it is a very comfortable 73 degrees.

There are some showers and possible storms Friday as cooler Canadian air moves in for the weekend. At the moment it looks like the weekend will bring pleasant weather in the mid-70s.

We have a couple of events coming up this weekend.

The Marinette County Fair opens tonight and runs through the weekend. Here is a link to their schedule and web site. https://www.marinettecountyfair.com/event-schedule .

There is a new ride coming up for the bikers among us.

It looks like The Rustic is having a polka band there on Sunday afternoon. While I personally can’t three step to save my life, a lot of people have a lot of fun with it. Ooom-pa-pa!!

Personally I have been so busy that nature is something that I drive through on the way to the next challenge. I did take time to laugh this week though. This is from one of my Facebook posts. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!!


I woke up laughing from my afternoon nap today. Why? The dog was getting a drink of water out of her bowl. What? ‘Splain Lucy!
Once upon a time ( and there was a large amount of alcohol involved..) the dog took a drink out of her water bowl while we were there. I asked Diane… What if we didn’t use glasses, bottles, or straws, and had to drink out of a bowl like the dogs do?

I quickly visualized happy hour at the local bar with all of the old guys, heads down in their bowls lapping up their afternoon brews.. The sounds that it would make… the beer dripping from their beards after a hearty quaff..
We absolutely roared with laughter at the visuals in our head as we imagined the sights and sounds of a bar full of our elderly friends lapping up their beer..

Now the dog can’t get a drink of water without me cracking up or at least cracking a smile.
I hope that you enjoyed it.. and that you laugh the next time that Fido gets a drink of water..

(Not my dog.. I have a border collie that is very camera shy so I had to use a stock photo..)

Thursday 8-17-2023

Greetings and welcome!

Sorry for being so late this week. We had a disaster at home and I have been very preoccupied. The water heater sprang a leak and collapsed the floor, a door frame, and soaked all of the insulation under the house. Surprise. Servicemaster out of Green Bay was right on it and has been tremendously professional in the cleanup. What a disaster. At that point I have been a little busy.

We had a nice thunderstorm come through last night with a big light show and some downpours. There was no severe weather but it was a good light show.

This weekend one of my favorite local bands Rapid Transit is playing at Uncle Mikes (The old Tommy’s Corner Pub). Saturday night at 7pm. The thing that I like about this band is that they are tremendously talented and they play songs that everyone knows and loves. The part that I really like is that they play the song and move onto the next one. A lot of bands can leave you stranded on the dance floor as they belabor Born on The Bayou for 37 minutes. Not here. I got to know them when they played my wedding celebration last fall. Great guys, great band. They will also be at The Rustic in October.

The Rapids Resort has a big deal going on this weekend. They have a celebrity guest chef coming with a unique menu. This is her second trip here and the first one was apparently very well received. Then they are having a band called Gallivant that a lot of people seem to be really excited about. I know nothing about them but they play all over the upper Midwest.

In weather we are in for a hot weekend with 85 Saturday and 90 Sunday. Add in a little of that Canadian wildfire smoke.

Get it while you can. I made a haircut appointment yesterday for 6 weeks out and it is for the end of September. :0 !! Where did summer go? That went by faster than a 30 minute lunch hour!

That’s it for today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



Tuesday 8-8-2023

Greetings and welcome!

Last weekend was a very busy one for the area. Between the big Lakewood craft fair and the ATV/UTV events there were a lot of people doing summer stuff.

There is also the element that summer is quickly coming to an end. A lot of colleges start classes before Labor Day and for many families the window to vacation with the whole family is coming to a close. When I was on Hwy 32 between Wabeno and Lakewood Sunday afternoon there were almost as many people with boats and campers heading north as were heading south.

Yesterday we were up in the Nicolet at a secret lake and a small line of rain and storms came through. It was a typical summer afternoon pop-up line of storms. We hit the jackpot where we were and got hit by the most intense red blob on the radar. The rain was really pounding and it escalated in intensity three times. At the end it was really impressive how hard that it was raining. That probably yielded about 3/4″ of rain in a little under an hour. It was nothing severe but it was some pretty intense rain.

We can expect stuff like that on just about any given day in late summer when the daytime heating stirs up the atmosphere. There are more organized storms possible for Wednesday and Friday but the weekend looks pretty good.

This is a big weekend for our little town. I am talking about the Silver Cliff Picnic and parade. That is always fun with an impressive parade followed by the picnic where you get to see and meet all of your local neighbors. The word on the street is that they will have a dunk tank this year. It is always fun to sink a local celeb or two.
It doesn’t mention it on the poster, but the parade starts at Boat Landing 11 Rd and heads east to the picnic grounds.

Also this Saturday is the motorcycle stunt show at the Thunder Lake Lodge..

I saw a post on facebook that someone was harvesting some bounty of black raspberries and dewberries. The spot that I was at yesterday had a couple of small raspberries that were nice and red and ripe but they were tiny. I haven’t checked the ample patches at the Silver Cliff house yet.

Fun story about that.. One year I noticed that the bushes were hanging really heavy with black raspberries and they were getting ripe. I planned on a big harvest on my next day off. The day finally comes and I head outside with some garbage bags.. that’s how many berries that there were. I go out there and in the 1/2 acre patch there is not one single ripe berry to be had. What!?!

I look around for tracks from the offending berry thief and there are none. No bear, deer, or human tracks at all. What in the world is going on?

I sat on the front step with a beer and my empty garbage bags trying to make sense of it all. That’s when the mystery got solved.

I watched as a chipmunk ran up one of the berry canes bending it to the ground and started feasting on the near ripe berries. Mystery solved. I am still kind of marveling at how a couple of chippies cleaned out a 1/2 acre berry patch in only a few days.

On that note I am off to go and be part of a beautiful 78 degree summer day. There aren’t many left.

Have a good week and thank you for visiting!

Tuesday 8-1-2023

Greetings and welcome!

We haven’t had any wild weather to report so far this week. I am happy about that.

We have some events coming up this weekend.

The first one is the biggest, the Lakewood Art & Crafts Show. They have almost 300 booths with over 200 vendors. Here is a link. https://www.ocontocounty.org/events/?i=lakewood-arts-and-crafts-show-2023-08-05&d=2023-08&view=l

Next up are two ATV/UTV related events.

Saturday from 9-11am there is a WATVA meeting at the Stephenson Town Hall, followed by a trail ride. Here is a link.. https://www.ocontocounty.org/events/?i=northeast-regional-watva-meeting-2023-08-05&d=2023-08&view=l

From 11am-4pm the Near North Trail Riders are having a corn roast trail fundraiser up at the Northwoods Bar on Benson Lake Rd & Northway Rd (Old A). Here is a link to that.. https://www.facebook.com/events/169468336004373?ref=newsfeed

Next weekend August 12th is the Silver Cliff picnic and parade.

The recent rains did lift the rivers up from too low to good enough. A little river tubing might be fun.

Other than that it is a pretty typical summer outlook. Temps in the 80s and a chance at a pop up storm on any given afternoon. I am off to go and be a part of that. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!


I swear that I am missing something else that I wanted to share. I will update if I remember.