Thursday 8-24-2023
Greetings and welcome!
It has been another very full week (of chaos) and here we are with another late update.
Yesterday they had all sorts of heat warnings out. With the humidity some of the ‘feels like’ temps in WI were expected to be over 110 degrees. We were expecting to go into the mid-90s with higher ‘feels like’ temps.
I am happy to report that it didn’t happen. The big dome of hot and humid air did not progress as far north as expected. We ended up with a humid day yesterday but it only got up to 79. Here are some of the nearby places that did get warm.
We were expecting another hot one today, but at the moment it is a very comfortable 73 degrees.
There are some showers and possible storms Friday as cooler Canadian air moves in for the weekend. At the moment it looks like the weekend will bring pleasant weather in the mid-70s.
We have a couple of events coming up this weekend.
The Marinette County Fair opens tonight and runs through the weekend. Here is a link to their schedule and web site. .
There is a new ride coming up for the bikers among us.
It looks like The Rustic is having a polka band there on Sunday afternoon. While I personally can’t three step to save my life, a lot of people have a lot of fun with it. Ooom-pa-pa!!
Personally I have been so busy that nature is something that I drive through on the way to the next challenge. I did take time to laugh this week though. This is from one of my Facebook posts. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!!
I woke up laughing from my afternoon nap today. Why? The dog was getting a drink of water out of her bowl. What? ‘Splain Lucy!
Once upon a time ( and there was a large amount of alcohol involved..) the dog took a drink out of her water bowl while we were there. I asked Diane… What if we didn’t use glasses, bottles, or straws, and had to drink out of a bowl like the dogs do?
I quickly visualized happy hour at the local bar with all of the old guys, heads down in their bowls lapping up their afternoon brews.. The sounds that it would make… the beer dripping from their beards after a hearty quaff..
We absolutely roared with laughter at the visuals in our head as we imagined the sights and sounds of a bar full of our elderly friends lapping up their beer..
Now the dog can’t get a drink of water without me cracking up or at least cracking a smile.
I hope that you enjoyed it.. and that you laugh the next time that Fido gets a drink of water..
(Not my dog.. I have a border collie that is very camera shy so I had to use a stock photo..)