Greetings and welcome!
We had a strong storm hit the area at about sunset last night. It had plenty of lightning, a LOT of rain, and some strong winds. The power went out a couple of times and came back on. The best that I can tell from searching area web sites is that there were a few trees down here and there but there is no widespread damage. At my house it blew over a folding lawn chair and broke one small branch off of a very dead tree.
Yesterday the atmosphere was charged up like a taser and was really ready to go off in a big way. It was a very hot day and the humidity was very high. That all adds up to a tremendous amount of energy in the atmosphere. When I looked it up the surface CAPE was up to 3,500, and the rest of the atmospheric dynamics were also well into the severe weather range. I was very concerned.
The storm looked really scary when it was moving in. There was a lot of red on the radar, a lot of lightning, and it was moving at almost 50mph. My poor dog that is afraid of thunderstorms was going crazy.
Happily it all ended with some strong winds, a lot of torrential downpours, and plenty of thunder and lightning.
Between last night and Wednesday’s torrential rains I would guess that we saw 3-4″ of rain in the last two days. There will likely be some washed out roads and driveways and some flooded low areas. To the best of my knowledge that will be the extent of the damage. I will update if I see anything else in my travels.
Here is a link to a Facebook post by a guy name Dan Smeiska, the Northwoods Storm Chaser. He caught a very dramatic picture of the wall cloud as it moved in.