Greetings and welcome!
Now that is what I call a change in the weather. Yesterday it was in the mid-90s and the day before it was 97. Today I am cold in long pants because as of noon it is 57 degrees. I am going to pounce on that in a little while when I get done here and tackle some long overdue outside work.
Yesterday I had a hard time believing that the atmosphere was going to equalize a 30+ degree temperature drop without any drama. It was a windy day yesterday, but I still expected storms. They came and came in force, but not around here. The southern part of WI had a memorable night though.
We did get some strong winds out of it but not much for damage. I had a tree down in the driveway this morning, but it was going down at some point anyway. In my 40 mile round trip to Amberg this morning on a computer call I only saw a couple of branches and trees down, and most were ready to go anyway.
In my case I had to be somewhere, so I made a couple of cuts on the tree, dragged it out of the way, and headed out. I will be back with the saw and the truck later when I go outside to tackle that, the lawn, and all sorts of cleaning and fixing. It sure beats doing it when it is sunny and 85 or 90, so I am going to pounce on the opportunity and put my regular work aside for a little while.
There is an update on events for this weekend. I am not sure how it got by me, but this is the weekend of the tick races at Fisher’s Camp. Yes you heard right, wood tick races. There will also be toilet seat horseshoes and a meat and VIP raffle. From their Facebook page..
(Saturday June 11th) Woodtick races start at 1pm along with toilet seat horseshoes!! $5 a person for woodtick with 100%payout $10 team for horseshoe with 100% payout meat raffle starts at 4pm with our 2nd VIP drawing for a cabin for the weeken or $100 tattoo…. for more info call 715-757-2207
That just has to be fun, and the meat raffles are pretty popular too.
The weekend forecast is about the same. There is a minor chance of showers now extending into Saturday, but the two 6 hour frames with a chance show a total maximum possible of 2/10ths of an inch. I ain’t skert.
The Friday/Friday night storm looks like it has some strength to it, but the forecasts still have it mostly staying in the southern half of the state, a lot like yesterday’s storm.
Otherwise expect a cloudy day in the mid-60s Saturday and a nicer day in the upper 60s Sunday. Overnight lows could go into the mid-40s.
Keith B posted that we could see some northern lights tonight. The sun has been a little more active lately, and tonight is expected to have displays possible low on the horizon as far south as Des Moines, IA. The clouds will be a problem for a lot of us, but if the sky clears a little we have a chance at seeing some aurora.
It is pretty cool that with the Internet age and all of the new solar observation instruments and the ham radio operators watching we can actually get forecasts on the northern lights now.
A little OT.. I have been drooling over solid state computer hard drives for about a year now. Kevin the snowmobiling friend said to just do it, it was his best upgrade ever.
Finally I got one while upgrading the movie editing computer for the Hi Def helmet cams and camcorders. It was a little bit of a pain to install because I need to run XP, but yowza what a difference. My computer is so fast.
You really do want one. This is not only great at home, it puts an end to the sluggish laptops.Those always suffer from slow hard drives, and this will wake it right up. What an amazing difference, even from my 15K rpm SCSI 320 drives.
I got my 115 gig version for ~$170, but you can get 40-60BG drives suitable for most people for about $100. Call Ray the Computer Guy, that’s me.
Well I am off to get some lunch and dive into a whole season of outside work since it is so cool out.
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting.
Tick races… I wonder if they have little tick trainers and Nike endorsements..