Greetings and welcome!

This week the hot topic is the rain. My bucket as of 2:14pm has 3 5/8″ in it for this week’s storm total. That bucket was emptied Tuesday morning, and the first few drops of rain fell on me as I set it back up.

That is just a local measurement. Some areas got less, some more. The Wolf River, Menominee River and Peshtigo River watersheds all got slammed. Rumor has it that they shut the Wolf down due to high water levels. That isn’t going to happen on the Peshtigo unless it gets a lot higher, the Menominee River is getting close.

People that get to go rafting Friday or this weekend are in for an epic adventure. The Peshtigo is running at +25″, just huge! Likewise the Menominee is running over 6,000CFS, again just huge. If you are looking to feed the adreneline rat or want to be able to brag about how big it was when you ran it, get on the phone with Kosir’s. This is it.

It is very unusual to have water this high at this time of year. Usually if you want water in the 20+ inch range on the Peshtigo you are talking about the second or third weekend in April, when the water is under 40 degrees and the day might be too. To have this and a weekend in the mid-70s and sunny is very very unusual.

The folks around Kosir’s are really pumped up, and you can count me in that number (obviously). It is going to really be a big weekend around here. Next weekend will still be good too, this much water can’t drain off that fast, but if you want peak flow and adventure, don’t hesitate.

The rain pretty much kept me inside most of the week, so I don’t have much to offer beyond the rafting stuff, except for this one little tidbit..

Gas prices are going down again. The Nymex is down another dime to 2.86, off of the peak of 3.43 May 1st. The 2.90 level was an important barrier, hopefully that triggers some selling and more lowered prices. It has been as low as 2.78 today. At the pump add 65-75 cents to those numbers.

So far oil is down 4-5% today, and I hope it gets out of hand and goes down 40 or 50%.

Well it is a very full day, so forward I must madly dance. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!




By Ray B

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