Greetings and welcome!
It is a very nice day outside today. With a mix of sun and clouds and temps around 80, it is almost on the warm side. We are in for more spectacular weather over the weekend.
The high pressure that we have enjoyed this week is moving east. As we know the west side of a big high pressure means warm, as the clockwise rotation of the flow brings southern air north.
Today, Friday and Saturday should be in the upper 70s or low 80s. Sunday warms up little with temps reaching mid-80s.
It will be a good weekend for camping. Usually clear skies mean cool temperatures. With the warm air mass in place, it looks like we will see night time temps in the mid-50s Friday and Saturday night. Very nice.. That will be very comfortable for sitting around the campfire and watching the stars.
The trees are filling in nicely, as is the understory. I think that the lack of rain has the green explosion a bit of a fizzle, but there is still a lot going on.
The bug of the week this week is the wood tick. Abundant is a good word for them. I haven’t gotten out the Repel yet, but it is probably coming today as I head out into the high grass to work on whatever.
I have been a little irate this week because I want to go fishing but can’t. The fishing should be pretty good right now on some lakes. Maybe next week will work out better.
The drought didn’t go away this week. We have had no precip at all. There is a slight chance that a weak line of showers could sprinkle us for a few minutes Friday afternoon, but that is about it. Next week holds a little more promise, but it is one of those forecasts that I look at and discount immediately.
The lack of rain and snow has rivers and lakes low. When I drove by Waube Lake this morning, I would call it 2-3′ low easily. A lot of lakes are like that. I have a friend on a seepage lake with small local springs that feed it. The springs stopped bubbling since there is no water percolating in from the surrounding land. That isn’t good.
Rivers are low too. Spring fed creeks are down a little, most rivers are at July or August levels. As far as rafting, the Pesh is rocky but it can be done if you are in for the workout. The Menominee with it’s mandated minimum flows is a much better choice.
Folks around Silver Cliff wanting to take to the water should check out Kosir’s. They have tubing trips on the non-rapids section of the Peshtigo, and sit on top kayaks that you can go and paddle around Caldron Falls Flowage. They might have canoes too, they did last year.
In the wildlife department Chris spotted a new born fawn this week while walking to the mailbox. Supposedly there are pictures, I will see what I can do later. Beyond that, the chippies are quite um frisky, and the standard assortment of turkeys and deer are present. A pleasant side effect of the drought, the gators (mosquitoes) still aren’t too bad.
I don’t have any events for this weekend. It really picks up next week and beyond. It is a shame that there are no events this weekend considering the weather forecast.
Oooo Ooo! Chris sent me the fawn picture..
Well, It has been a busy week with inside work, and now it is time to go and play outside. I haven’t done my firewood this week yet, so I am probably off to jump on that. The the little cartoon devil character on the other shoulder claims it is 80 outside, and wants to pack a cooler and head for the beach. Hmmm I wonder how that is going to work out..
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!