I am NOT getting caught again where I planned an update and something popped up like last Friday and so many others.. This weekend is too important.
This Thursday through Saturday is the Silver Cliff Centennial Celebration. Last year was the actual centennial but the covid stuff caused it to be cancelled. This is an epic event with a lot going on, and it has been two years in the planning. A lot of people worked really hard for this and it should be a really amazing event. I also expect that the parade will be a lot bigger than in past years so don’t miss that!
With the Silver Cliff Centennial and Fire Department fundraising parade and picnic happening this coming weekend and Al being the fire chief, we have made some changes in our hours.
Thursday the 12th we will not be opening until 4 o’clock. (Al will be doing the history tours on the bus if you want to hear him give a history lesson)
Friday the 13th we will only have the bar open from 7:00-after the fireworks. Kitchen will not be open.
With the fireworks being lit off across the road from us, Hwy C will be shut down for the duration of the show. Viewing will be up at the Fire Department, we ask that you park in the picnic ground lot. Our parking lot will also be open for parking as they will still be visible from our lot and we’ll have the bar open.
Saturday the 14th we will be closed all day and night
We will be open Sunday morning at 9 for breakfast.
We thank you all for understanding as this is a big fundraiser for our town and fire department and we can’t be in two places at once. There will be food and beer served Friday and Saturday at the picnic grounds, along with an ice cream social at the town hall on Thursday.
We invite you to come have a beer or two at the picnic grounds with us and celebrate our towns 100 years!.
Right now the weekend forecast looks fantastic with nice days and pleasant temperatures. I hope that all works out as forecast.
Come on out to Silver Cliff this weekend and be part of a really exciting weekend!