Greetings and welcome!

Today’s topic list..

Spring Weather

Carole Walesh benefit

Spring Thaw/ATV Trails/Ice Out

Bugs, Critters & Misc.

First up the spring weather.. Last Sunday we had our first 70+ degree day. It was actually 74.5 according to my readings. Naturally being a nice spring day the winds were at hurricane force. I don’t know why but every nice spring day around here comes with a lot of wind. In this case winds were in the 20mph range gusting up to 40mph mark and just above.

Naturally people wanted to do yard work and clean up the winter mess. Someone down by the Van Beek Subdivision decided to burn a little, I’m not sure if it was a fire pit or a brush burning fire, but it got away on them. The resulting wildfire burned an area of grass, his neighbor’s wood shed, and a little of the neighbor’s house. According to Facebook reports 5 fire departments and the DNR responded to get the fire under control. That is going to be a very expensive mistake for someone. Between the dry grass from last year and the 20-40mph winds fire danger was very high and burning permits were suspended.

This Saturday is the benefit for Carole Walesh. It is being held at the Silvercliff Memorial Park. See my last update for extensive details. About the only new stuff that I have is that it has continued to grow, and they warned people not to ride ATVs there because the roads and trails will not be open yet.

Speaking of ATV trails, the Iron Snowshoe announced that trails will open Friday May 6th. It looked like volunteers really had their work cut out for them clearing trails with the winter storms and the big ice storm taking down so many trees. It wouldn’t be surprising if it took longer is some areas.

The warm weather last weekend really advanced the spring thaw a lot. Sunday afternoon I went to Boat Landing #9 (by Thornton’s) to check the ice. The big lake was clear but the wind had blown a lot of slush/ice into the bays and along the shore. That lake will definitely be clear of ice in two Saturdays when fishing opens.

The ground in most spots is firm but damp. The snow has disappeared in all but the deepest cover and biggest snow piles. There is still plenty of mud to be found so forest road exploring is hit and miss, but we are getting there.

We are having a little setback from our spring weather this week. Today and tomorrow will only be in the mid-40s and overnight lows in the low 20s. That will get a little better by the weekend, but we are still expecting to be below normal. Normal high temperature is getting close to 60, but this spring just won’t let it happen.

I have seen a few moths so far and some people have spotted their first ticks. So far most of the insect world remains dormant. The chipmunks are awake and digging holes again. The deer have been hanging out by the roads. This week the grass started greening up, so hopefully more diverse food sources will bring some relief to motorists. The turkeys were fanning and strutting about two weeks ago, now I am seeing a lot of solo hens. I have not seen the first leaves on trees yet, but the maples are getting their red buds/flowers.

One last thought.. The seasonal road weigh limits will be lifted on Marinette County roads south of Hwy X as of Thursday the 28th. Restrictions remain in place north of Hwy X. Town roads will vary with the township.

It is hard to believe that it was 74 degrees Sunday and two days later it is snowing like it means it. No it isn’t. This year winter just doesn’t want to let go.

By the way.. the water levels for spring whitewater rafting remain excellent. It looks like it is about +18 today and pretty happy there. That is a really fun level for any whitewater enthusiast.

Have a good week and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B