Retraction/revision- I wrote my update based on a short ride around my neighborhood. At sunset I traveled to Lakewood and a lot of the color survived and it was a magnificent show along Hwy F. That’s good, there are really a lot of people around to see the leaves. If they aren’t nice where you are go a few miles down the road and the show will be in full force.-RJB
Greetings and welcome!
This week the fall colors hit a magnificent peak. It was the best show in years because almost all of the species changed color at once. It was really something to see.
Then, as happens every year, a cold front came along with crappy weather and high winds and stole our show before the weekend people could enjoy it. It is so maddening and disappointing. The show that we had Monday though Wednesday was really something. There is still a lot of color out there but the really spectacular early maples and some cherry are already on the ground.
The cold front dropped our temperatures too. We had some overnight lows in the 30s and today we are only in the upper 40s. That is a big change from the mid-70s early in the week. Tonight we will go into the mid-20s, and the weekend high temps look to be in the upper 50s.
Reports from fellow snowmobilers on Facebook said that they had their first snowflakes of the year in Hurley and Boulder Junction. We did not get that here, but we did get a little rain.
This weekend there are four events that I know of. There is the Octoberfest celebration in Crooked Lake, The Near North Snowmobile/ATV Club Brat Fry at Firelane Bar, a craft show at the Crivitz High School, and the Legion Club gun & knife show in Crivitz.
For some crazy reason the Packers decided to play in England this weekend. They are 6 hours ahead of us. That means Sunday’s game starts at 8:30am. Many of the bars around here will be opening at 7 or 8am for Packer fans, and all of them will have some kind of breakfast food available. I have no idea if there will be large or small crowds. Personally I will likely go for the Tevo option.
Earlier in the week I was outside getting some warm weather chores done and the Asian lady beetles started making their annual appearance. I hope that the big temperature drop killed every one of them, but that is wishful thinking. More likely they will be back when we get back into the 60s early week.
That is the news today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!