Greetings and welcome!

We haven’t had any wild weather to report so far this week. I am happy about that.

We have some events coming up this weekend.

The first one is the biggest, the Lakewood Art & Crafts Show. They have almost 300 booths with over 200 vendors. Here is a link.

Next up are two ATV/UTV related events.

Saturday from 9-11am there is a WATVA meeting at the Stephenson Town Hall, followed by a trail ride. Here is a link..

From 11am-4pm the Near North Trail Riders are having a corn roast trail fundraiser up at the Northwoods Bar on Benson Lake Rd & Northway Rd (Old A). Here is a link to that..

Next weekend August 12th is the Silver Cliff picnic and parade.

The recent rains did lift the rivers up from too low to good enough. A little river tubing might be fun.

Other than that it is a pretty typical summer outlook. Temps in the 80s and a chance at a pop up storm on any given afternoon. I am off to go and be a part of that. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!


I swear that I am missing something else that I wanted to share. I will update if I remember.

By Ray B