Greetings and welcome!

The rain storm a few nights ago was a good one. We didn’t have any damage around here, but we did see an inch to an inch and a half of rain.

To the north and east of the Peshtigo River watershed they got pounded. Rainfall estimates that I have seen were in the 2-5″ range for far northern Forest County and Florence County and nearby places to the north and east of there in the U.P.

Both rivers should be on the rise for the weekend. The Menominee is the highly recommended pick for whitewater rafting this weekend. It was running at 3,000cfs the last time that the gauge updated, which was yesterday afternoon. I suspect that it will be there or more likely higher for the weekend. That river is so cool when it gets big, burying 12 man rafts in huge waves and holes, and really getting the adrenaline rat fed.

The weather this weekend looks mediocre. I checked 4 different sources and came away with 4 different ideas on what will happen. My best guess is that it will work out ok. There will be a chance of rain Friday afternoon and again Friday night and Saturday morning. That rain should not be too heavy according to the forecast models, which put he QPF at 0.01-0.1″ per six hour frame. The NWS, NAM, and HPC have the rain leaving by noon, the GFS keeps the chance of <0.1″ in the forecast right through Sunday.

The heaviest part of the storm is expected to be in the UP and near Lake Superior, with light and scattered stuff coming to our area. That could also change, having a storm work out 200 miles one way or the other of the prediction isn’t that big of a variance on the grand scale.  None of the forecasts have it straying south at the moment.

The bottom line is that if the forecast stays on track we could have light and scattered rain Friday afternoon, Friday night, and Saturday morning. Other than that it looks pretty comfortable with temps in the upper 70s or low 80s.

We have some great events in the area this weekend. The big ones on my list are the car show at Eagle Creek Pub and the grand opening party at Fisher’s Camp Resort. There s also a ride for the Crivitz Rescue Squad, the Wagner VFD picnic, and a 100th anniversary party for the High Falls dam by where the snowmobile radar runs and the water ski shows are held by Boat Landing #3 on High Falls Flowage.

Yesterday brought some enlightenment as to why my berry bushes are under performing. I went out to check what was a bumper crop of black raspberries, only to find every ripe berry stripped from the branches. As we were out there guessing at what at all of those berries, a chippy showed us. Apparently he ran up the cane, bent it down, and stripped the berries.

That explains a lot. About 3 weeks ago the yard was just infested with chippies. They are fine until they start getting into the house and stuff like that. About the time that I was ready to do something about it, they were suddenly scarce. Now I know why. They are all down in my berry patch.

Other than that there isn’t much to report.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B

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