Greetings and welcome!

The weekend turned out alright. I got rained on for about an hour Saturday and that is about it. Other than that we filled it up like every weekend around here.

It feels a lot like August today. It is mid-upper 80s, and a little muggy. There is a chance of a isolated shower or storm popping up in the heat of the day, and we can pretty much ditto the outlook for tomorrow too. After that we are looking at low to mid-80s to low 90s and the first chance of rain coming on Sunday. Feels like August.

Here are some weekend events..

August 7 Lakewood Town Hall & Activity Center

32nd Annual Lakes Country Arts & Crafts Show

9am-3pm Sponsored by McCaslin Lions Club
Original Artwork – 256 Booths – Food & Beverages available on the grounds

August 7 Townsend Town Hall

Annual Corn Roast & Family Fun Day

starts at 11 AMSponsored by the Townsend Flowage Assoc.
Childrens Games, Music, Food & Drink, Raffles & Prizes

August 7 Crivitz Village Hall

22nd Annual Gun & Knife Show

8:30am – 3:00pm
Sponsored by Crivitz Legion Post 413

August 7 Mosquito Park

Amberg Community Association Annual Duck Run

11am Food & Drink – Paddle Wheel

I have some to add…

The Friends Of Mountain Ambulance Service will be having their Drive-Through Fish Fry this Friday and the Mountain Ambulance Station by Hwy 32.

The Everbreeze (Chute Pond) and the Schoolhouse in Mountain are having corn roasts Saturday.

There is a Family Fun Day and Auction at the Lake Lucerne Clubhouse in Crandon Saturday.

Friday night is the 10th annual Family Fun Night & Street Dance in Wabeno.

I did see our blue heron friend along the river again last weekend. He avoided my lens, but Mr. Osprey didn’t..

I have seen the osprey many times and have gotten a few shots of it. He is an elusive one though. This pic was taken through a gap in the tree canopy, zoomed and cropped in.

I’d love to stick around and chat, but it is time to dive into another full and unpredictable day in Silver Cliff. HaveĀ  good week and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B

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