Greetings and welcome!
We have a beautiful day going outside, easily the nicest of 2011 so far. There isn’t much for wind, the sun is out, and it is almost 60. There is a little melting going on, and places that had a head start are firming up the ground. After a couple of weeks of colder than normal temperatures, it finally feels like spring.
After pulling long hours on the computers the last few days it felt good to escape the house and get a little sun. It was only steps outside that I spotted the first flutterby of the year, and even got a picture. Even my elderly 17 year old cat went outside, and she hates the cold.
Here are a few pictures..
If I didn’t have so much on my plate this would be one of those days where I’d like to find a cooler and a grill and a few friends to goof off with.
This weekend looks like a GO for whitewater rafting at Kosir’s. Zac and Jason have been scouting the river all week and have been cutting obstacle trees. It will be close but it looks like it will be open enough to go for it. People running this weekend will get to paddle past huge ice islands of 3-5′ thick slabs of ice. I’ve had the chance to do that before, and it is pretty cool and otherworldly. Check out the pictures from the Kosir’s FaceBook page..
The river looks a lot different up by the rapids than it did down by the bridge this afternoon..
We missed out on both chances for rain this week, so the river won’t be as big as it could have been. Right now it is running at about +5 @ 467cfs. With yesterday and today’s melting we should be adding a few inches. I was looking for 10-12 in my last update. Chicago the Guide said +9 for his prediction today, and I think that it is a pretty good one. We should be within an inch or two on either side of that.
Friday and Saturday look like they will be partly sunny and in the upper 50s. That is some nice weather for opening weekend. Saturday night into Sunday morning we are expecting some rain, but there is a chance of getting most of Sunday in before the next wave of rain hits.
I have been pulling some long hours getting equipment ready for the weekend’s rafting photos and videos. I have a couple of computers that I am running a Linux operating system on, and I gotta say I really like it. The box that I am using now is running a PClinuxOS with the E-17 desktop. It is fast and stable, and it looks good doing it. There are still a few bugs to work out like where my photo enhancement program is in French, but that is pretty minor.
The XP based movie computer on the other hand is being a pain. It works, but it needs to be faster. I am grumbling about my SCSI 320 stuff because I really want one of these.
Well I have wandered off topic again, so it must be time to go. Have a good one and thank you for visiting!