Greetings and welcome!

It looks like winter has been delayed for at least another week. We are in for a beautiful weekend with sunshine and temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. I am also happy to report that our nice weather is not expected to come with a howling wind as happens so often on nice days in the spring and fall. Get out there and enjoy it!!

News that you need to know..

The Red Pine BP on Hwy C and Parkway Rd is in the process of replacing their gas pumps. They have the plumbing, wiring, and cement in, but the pumps won’t be installed until at least Monday. The C-store will be open but you will want to make other plans for getting your gas.

There are many Halloween activities in the area this weekend. I haven’t paid much attention to all of them but I know that Rapids and Parkway Inn are having Halloween parties with live music. The Nimrod is also having a Halloween party with a costume contest. I have seen quite a few others advertising parties, DJs, or live music. It should be a wild weekend. When I was out yesterday and last night there was already an unusually high amount of traffic.

We had a few cold nights this week but most stayed above the danger zone for freezing pipes. We did have one night get down to 21F though, clearly a heads-up to work on winterizing.

Now that the leaves are down and we are having some cool night bow deer hunting is getting into its prime. A couple of neighbors have taken some very nice bucks.

The deer have been really heavy up by the roads. Be really careful when you are driving, especially at dusk and after dark. There were plenty of blood splatters on the road over the past few days. They can be very unpredictable now that the bucks are chasing the does. I had a fork horn chasing a doe cross the road twice in front of my car last week. The doe was more worried about the buck than me, and the buck only cared about the doe. I know that it’s early, but I have already seen them chasing. That can make them very unpredictable along roads.

That’s it for today. Enjoy the nice weather this weekend and thank you for visiting!



By Ray B