Greetings and welcome!

Spring is springing for sure now.

The frogs in the ponds have been getting loud, sometimes surprising you as you drive by. The leaves on the trees are starting to emerge, and it looks like the choke cherries are getting their first flowers. A surefire sign of spring is the gnats. They are here.

This morning when I let the dog out there were SO many birds singing that it was loud. The songbirds have returned. People are seeing their first humming birds and oriels.

I have not seen gypsy moth caterpillars yet. I am not sure if my countermeasures worked that well or if they just haven’t come yet.

The drought cycle of ElNino that left us with a terrible snowmobile season has been broken. We have been getting rain every few days. The ponds and streams have ample water in them and whitewater rafting is great with the Peshtigo running a +16″. That is a very fun level.

The Marinette Co ATV trails have been open for a few weeks. Oconto Co opened 4/28, and most other trails open this weekend.

The only event that I have for the upcoming weekend is that Amberg Fire & Rescue is having a brat fry at Mathis Hardware in Amberg from 10-2 tomorrow ( Sat 5-4-2024).

That’s it for today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B