Greetings and welcome!

We have had a hot week. Early in the week we got up to 96 and sunny with some humidity. The past few days have gotten into the mid-80s.

In addition to being hot we are dry. The grass in the yard has gone dormant and is now brown and even a little slippery for the dog playing Frisbee. The rivers and wetlands are getting very low too.

Right now the best guess for the weekend weather is that the warm humid weather will be with us until about Saturday afternoon or Saturday evening. That is when a cold front will be coming through with some showers and thunderstorms. There is some potential for severe weather, along with some big rainfall amounts. What isn’t very clear is where or when it will hit.

Once the storm clears out Sunday morning we should have a nice day in the upper 70s.

When I was in Crivitz Wednesday gas was down to $4.19 a gallon. It is a welcome drop but it is still $2 too high.

The folks that take care of the Silver Cliff park are asking for volunteers this weekend to help get it into shape for the annual picnic/parade/fireworks on August 13th. Note that the fireworks are Friday night. The park was pretty much ground zero for the tornado that hit us last month. Volunteers with heavy equipment and loggers have been cleaning it up but it still needs wok.

From their FB post..

Silver Cliff Park needs your help. On Saturday July 23 and Sunday July 24 there is going to be a clean-up of the park. We are looking for volunteers with metal rakes, and pressure washers. The goal is to get the park ready for the parade and picnic on August 13.
There will be sign-up sheets at the park. Bottled water and Powerade/Gatorade will be provided. We are still working on lunches and will post here with information.
As usual bring work gloves and wear appropriate clothing for working with brush and debris.
For more information or if you have any questions please Kristin Gagne, Town Clerk, at 715-757-3163.

The start time is 8am, and I believe that they organized a lunch for volunteers.

Update- knew that I was missing an event. Here it is.

There is an ATV/UTV ride up in Dunbar Saturday with Team Motorsports. Here is a link.

The next event is the Lakewood 125th Anniversary Picnic. Here is a link.

I believe that the Marinette County Fair is the weekend after this one.

That is it for today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



By Ray B