Greetings and welcome!

We have had a fair bit of rain this week. As a result stuff has started growing again. I will need to cut grass over the weekend. That also means that fire danger is low, always a good thing.

The rain has also given rivers a boost. The whitewater rafting and tubing should be good this weekend. The Peshtigo River has gone from a very low 200CFS up to a fun 350, and I expect that it will go a little higher over the weekend from yesterday’s rain.

This weekend is the Marinette County Fair in Wausaukee. There is a lot of fun stuff going on there along with some pretty good grandstand shows and the midway. Here is a link to the various events.

Last night driving around I found a lot of deer out by the roads. I am not sure what suddenly made roadside ditches so attractive, but they were really out in force. Watch out for deer this weekend. There were also a lot of small white moths in the headlights. In places it almost looked like it was snowing.

This Saturday night The Rustic is having a band called Sons of Legends. Sunday they are having The Mix play some polka music starting at 2pm.  They have live music there every weekend, but I don’t recall any polka bands. Who knows, it could be fun. Oooom pa-pa!

On the personal side it has been a very busy little stretch of days. I am acutely aware that we are going from summer to fall, and the list of outside work that needs to be done over a certain temperature is a long one. Usually my deadline for stuff like that is October 10th. That sounds like a long way away, but with the much shorter days and unsettled fall weather, it is a lot closer than it seems. (Learned that the hard way..)

I pick October 10th because one year I was painting a van, and I was outside until almost midnight October 9th trying to get it done. On the 10th we got 4-5″ of snow and it didn’t go above 50 degrees (minimum temperature for painting the van) the rest of the fall. Ever since then Oct 10 has been my deadline for doing outside work at comfortable temperatures.

I see that the kids are starting school this week and some schools have already had open house and orientation days. That tends to slow down tourism a lot. It used to be that there was a state law that school couldn’t start until after Labor Day weekend as a boost for the tourism industry.

One last thought.. my Starlink internet is absolutely wonderful. With it just sitting in the front yard I am seeing 65-150Mb/s, making internet pages come up in a blink of the eye, and allowing us to stream HD content to the TV.  After years of really bad Hughes Net, using the internet it is now a delight. It is $30 more a month than Hughes Net was, and worth every penny.

That is it for me today. have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!





By Ray B