Greetings and welcome!

We had a hot and steamy week this week. Some other areas had rain and storms. The USGS gauge by Kosir’s only shows 1/2″ of rain since last weekend. There is a chance of showers/storms today and tonight and then we are in for a much cooler weekend.

The frontal passage that is marked by the storm will be welcome as it will finally push out the humidity. Right now it is only 72 degrees but with the 88% humidity it still feels hot and doesn’t take much to break a sweat.

Saturday and Sunday look to be sunny and about 70. The catch is that it is supposed to be windy Saturday and Saturday night. That is OK. When I was working outside Wednesday the gnats were getting a little annoying. A nice windy day will help that for sure.

The big event this weekend is the Marinette County Fair in Wausaukee. It actually opened Thursday evening. Early reports are that it was a nice midway. The ride operators were masked up and sanitizing rides when they could. Someone still said that people were masking up in the buildings. Whatever the case people had fun there last night.

There is also a flea market at the Evergreen Market in Crivitz just north of the car dealership Friday and Saturday.

On any given year whitewater rafting on the Peshtigo River is long done by now. This year is unlike any that I have seen in my 30ish years on or near the river. We are breaking records daily, and the river is still at +7″, a very fun level.

Along that same line.. I have seen a few people that went back into their deer hunting land to scout or clear brush and were quite surprised by how high that the water levels were. I heard about several people that had areas that weren’t normally wet and were a foot deep in water. We have had a couple of really wet summers and big snow winters, so some areas might hold some water that wouldn’t normally be there. Not everywhere is like that, but a few people got surprised.

Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!



By Ray B