Greetings and welcome!
Much to my amazement we have not seen ANY fall color yet. There are some milkweeds turning yellow and that is about it. The fall color show is clearly late this year. As related in previous posts, it is not uncommon to see the first maples change in late August. Here we are looking at the third weekend in September and nothing. We have had pretty much rain lately. Maybe that extended the growing season after the August dry spell.
We are expecting a little more of that rain this weekend. In fact some is already on the radar and a few sprinkles have already passed through. There is a chance of rain right through Sunday in the NWS forecast. Two of my forecast models show it clearing out early Sunday morning, and I like that with my big party coming up Sunday afternoon.
There are a lot of events this weekend.
And my party..
If it does rain on Sunday we are ready for it. We set up one big tent today and there is another one coming tomorrow. Between those and the band building we should have room for a lot of people. The band is really good, playing music that everyone knows and will get up and dance to. We went and saw them at Skinny Dave’s pig roast and they were a really fun band.
I ordered up special bar chips that get you a dollar off of your drinks and there will be fish bowls of them right on the bar. If your beer is $3.25 now it is $2.25 and a chip. I didn’t want to do a keg of free beer, not everyone drinks beer. I can’t afford open bar, so this is what I came up with.. roll back the prices on whatever you want by about 10 years.
There will be some snacks and cake as well, and the bar serves good food. The party is from 2 till 6pm, so there is time to party with us and still get where you want to go for the Packer/Bears game at 7:20pm.
It is outside at The Rustic where they have a party barn, and we will have big tents too, just in case the weather doesn’t smile on us. Come on out and celebrate with us! Everyone is welcome!
Next weekend is a big deal too. It is the 9th annual Soup & Chili Cook Off at the Silver Cliff picnic grounds.
That is about it for today. Have a good weekend, thank you for visiting, and I hope to see you all Sunday!