Greetings and welcome!
Thursday turned out to be a pretty nice day. It does not look like today will be. There is rain moving in as I type this in the late hours of Thursday night. We are expecting off and on showers Friday followed by more Friday night.
The total expected on the storm is in the 1/2 to 3/4″ range, with expected totals going up 1/4″ as you go northwest toward Rhinelander.
The best part of it is when the rain clears out Saturday morning and leaves us a nice weekend. Saturday should be getting better as it goes, with a little wind and a high of about 50. Sunday looks great with partly cloudy skies and a high chasing 60º.
Rafting with Kosir’s should be fun this weekend. The river is running at about a +10.5 and should stay about there or maybe even go up a little. That is a cool level because you can take a raft or a funyak.
It is usually a fairly quiet weekend Easter weekend, but rumor has it that there will be a couple of fun groups around. According to the Facebook page for Kosir’s..
The Peshtigo is hanging tough around +10. Get some winter camping in: this weekend Kamping at Kosir’s is FREE!! And rafting trips are $10 off!!!
The snow from the storm this week didn’t last long. I don’t think that it made 2″ here, and the sun ate it quickly in open areas. It didn’t hit us for very long, and when it did, it was landing on warm ground. We might have had 2-3″ but it never added up to that.
The ground around my place is firming up nicely. I worked outside yesterday in tennis shoes both in the wood yard and down by the work shed. Wednesday I took a walk back by the creek in similar footwear and did fine. It is still soft in sheltered areas, but most of my travels were on moist but firm ground.
While I was on the way out there I opened up the well house and shut down the heater and heat tape. Wednesday night we got into the mid-20s and it made me a little nervous, but it was fine. I will welcome the $30+ drop in the monthly electric bill.
While I was out there the friend that I was with brought back the first ticks of the year. It is a little early but I can’t say that I am surprised. My back field is tick paradise in May and June.
Hooray an event!
Saturday April 30th 3-9pm Fishers Camp -Our first V.I.P. drawing (pontoon rental for a day) and Meat raffle with other party favors given away.
The only lake that I have seen since Monday is Waubee, and as of this morning it was still socked in with ice. It has opened more along the shore and the open area in the middle has grown considerably. It won’t be long. When I went by last Sunday the upstream part of Caldron was open, as was Landing 11. There is still ice on the lakes, but similar current and sun prone areas are probably open.
One last little note.. there are now links to the Kosir’s blog and Facebook pages as well as my Riversport Digital page in the Whitewater Rafting section to the right with the moving raft animation.
That is about it from here. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!