Greetings and welcome!
It looks like we are in for a pretty nice weekend this weekend. According to the NWS we only have a 20% chance of showers or storms after 1pm Saturday. Otherwise we are looking ah a high of 80 Saturday and 64 Sunday.
That is good because we have a jam packed weekend for events.
First up we have the WAM-fest in Wabeno Saturday. That is the Wabeno Art & Music Festival. Link
A little east of there is an ATV ride in Dunbar.
As we head south on 32 we come upon the Lakewood Mardi Gras. This is a big deal with a parade, midway, fried goodies, and music.
A little to the south and west we have the Doty Fireman’s Picnic. Link
To the east we have a huge Coleman’s Fireman’s picnic.
Farther east there is the Porterfield Cruisin Oldies weekend. Link
Closer to home The Rustic Inn is having live music Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon. Friday and Sunday is the Cordell Winter Band. Saturday is Big Road Band. The music starts at 7pm Friday and Saturday night and at 2pm Sunday.
Fire danger is low today thanks to a little morning rain.
Gas prices have come down a little (Up like a rocket, down like a feather). In Crivitz Gas Buddy says that the going rate is $4.39. Here in Silver Cliff and farther north you can add about a nickle to that.
That’s about it for me today. Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!