Greetings and welcome!
There are not a lot of major updates today. The big weekend is off to a start for a lot of people. A few weekend people were around last night, and that will increase a lot today.
The weather outlook remains the same. It is expected to be a nice weekend until Sunday night when a line of rain should pass through. Monday will be cooler.
In my travels last night I found that the new growth in the woods is really taking off. We had an early start, then the lack of rain slowed it down. It is filling in nicely now.
I also spotted a snapping turtle up on the road by the river and a courageous sandhill crane. Two adult cranes had crossed the road. As I got close one of them ran back out in front of the truck at the last second jumping around and flapping it’s wings because a baby on the other side had run into the road. I was aware of them and going slow so an expected e-stop gave the whole situation a happy ending. I was quite impressed with the bird’s courage and glad that it ended well.
Last night was the full moon. At that point we can expect some moonlight over the weekend. Something that I really enjoyed on the last full moon was going to a remote clear cut in the forest and parking on a hilltop to watch and listen to the world go by late at night. That might be a good choice for this weekend.
The full moon should make the fishing better too. Supposedly the solunar tables are for both fish and game, and there were plenty of active deer.
The only event that I have to add is that Bob Heckler and his brother will be playing at the Rapids Resort Saturday night, otherwise there is a DJ there the other nights.
Well I am off to go and dive into the day. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!