Greetings and welcome!

I ended up working past dark yesterday and never got to do fall color pictures.  It worked out better in that I travelled farther and know more, and the weather needs an update.

My travels today took me to Lakewood, Townsend and Carter, as well as down by High Falls Flowage. The colors varied a lot. The best spots were around here and south toward High Falls, a few patches on the way to Lakewood like around Wheeler Lake, and again at Townsend and Carter. It is a function of what kind of tree grows there. The real early maples are getting done, but the later ones are going good. Also showing off are the poplar, birch, and some cherry.

The weather changed a little in that it is raining outside now. There is only a 20% chance tonight, and no mention of it tomorrow. They did mention the winds at 10-15 gusting to 30 or so. It is not expected to frost tonight, but Saturday night could see 30 or so. Sunday still looks nice.

Not mentioned in the event list.. Prospect Lodge is having their Toys for Joys Ride Saturday.

While I was there, I caught a quick picture of Dockside’s mini-golf hole for the tournament tomorrow..

Fall Color Pictures..

Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B

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