Thursday April 15th, 2010
Greetings and welcome!
It is a cloudy and warm day with 15-25mph winds. Checking in with Athelstane weather I see that they have us at the high of the day with 77.4 degrees. The NWS is showing 75 in Iron Mountain and the Accuweather is only showing 72. It did just snow 3-5″ a week ago, and now it is pushing 80.
There was a line of showers that came through last night at about 2:30 with about 20 minues of moderate rain. There is more on the radar between here and Rhinelander as a cold front approaches.
That passing cold front should replace our above normal temps with more seasonal temps and clear weather for the rest of the week and the weekend. Our normal hi/lo today is 52/29. Yesterday we were at 73 and 40, and today you can add a few degrees.
Friday looks windy like today as the front moves away. Saturday should calm down a little with the winds and bring sunny weather with low to mid-50s. Sunday looks nice and a few degrees warmer.
Not much time has passed since our last visit, so I don’t have a lot to report. Yesterday the big excitement was a yard clean up followed by a trip to the dump. A full truck and almost full trailer cost something like $13 to leave it at the landfill. I was very happy to get rid of all of that junk, and there is another load coming as soon as I can spend a little time on it.
The push right now is to clean up anything that will be overgrown once the ferns and berries start coming in. It is a lot easier to clean that up now.
The snow last week and the occasional rain this week have started greening up the land. The grass is coming in nicely, and more and more trees are starting to bud up. I saw a mullen yesterday that was well along and as big as a dandelion.
Messing around in the yard yesterday I encountered a few gnats, but they were not bad. I did collect my first two wood ticks that stuck, including the first belly button tick of the year. Considering where I was working it isn’t even a little surprising. In June that would be a nest of them.
It was a little unusual to have ticks on April 14th, but the El Nino bringing an abnormally warm and dry year have a lot of stuff in the great outdoors ahead of their time.
My guess is that we are close to two weeks ahead, and will have an unusually green start to May. Some years it doesn’t green up until early or mid-May. My famous beech forest picture with the emerging leaves from 8 or 9 years ago was taken the weekend before Memorial Day.
In the tech department I have updated the Ubuntu page with the latest. Yes I still like it.
Also of interest, in the process of getting ready to sell the helmet cam I snapped together a few clips of rafting action from it to put out on U-Tube. It turned out pretty cool for an hour project. I ran out of time yesterday, but once I get it uploaded I will link to it.
That is about it from here. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!