Tuesday March 23rd, 2010
Greetings and welcome!
My apologies that I am running late today. I got a little sucked into work this morning and I am running a little behind.
Anyway.. we have some nice weather coming up and some good events for the weekend.
For weather it looks like another dry week. The temps will be close to 50 most days, except for Friday which will be a lot closer to 35 or 40. The weekend brings a slight chance of rain or snow and a high/lo of about 50/30.
Our El NIno continues to hang on. Recently there was a new Kelvin wave heading east. A Kelvin wave is a wave of warm water reinforcing the positive seas surface temperate anomalies that we call El Nino.
Anyway, there is another Kelvin wave working across, so hope of El Nino breaking down have been dashed for the very short term anyway. Some of the climate experts that I see discussing this seem to think that it is a last gasp, but some models have the warm anomalies hanging around into summer. The high pressure that blocks us from storms is back too.
Item two is a little off topic. In my climate studies I have run across a guy named Henrik Svensmark and a lot of back and forth about his theories. IN nutshell, distant supernova stars project neutrons at high speed through space. As they hit our atmosphere, they interact and make cloud nuclei. As the theory goes, in times of low solar output and low solar wind the sun’s smaller heliopshperic current sheet (my desktop background) protects us from less of them. That would explain more clouds and a cooler climate during solar minimums even though (TSI) Total Solar Irradiance, does not change much. It is controversial.
Now the same ET neutron bombardment know as cosmic rays is maybe responsible for Toyota’s woes? This article is one of many with the same copy. Apparently it went out over some news wires.
This is sort of relevant here because I had two questions from two different people in two different places Sunday about shooting stars and northern lights. People were missing them. The shooting stars is easy, there are several different debris clouds that the earth passes through like the Perseids where there are fairly regular meteor showers.
The northern lights will be occasional, but will be increasing as the years pass. We are in a solar minimum right now, and a more active sun makes for more northern lights. We are seeing an increase in sun spots and CME’s (coronal mass ejections), but we are at the bottom of the roughly 11 year cycle and about to head up. Since solar cycle 23 had a log quiet period and we are are actually a little late on the upswing, predictions have Solar Cycle 24 for a weak cycle. The northern lights will get progressively more frequent over the next 4-5 years.
Science class dismissed.
First up in events we have this..
Chute Pond Snowmobile Club’s Annual Banquet will be held Saturday, March 27th at Black Bear Trail Golf Club in Suring. Great food & drink, door prizes, and raffles make this an evening you won’t want to miss. We are starting early this year- cocktails at 5:00 pm, dinner at 6:00 pm, and we promise to be done in time so you can get over to see Vic Ferarri at Water’s Edge on Anderson Lake.Get your tickets now- visit our website’s Calendar of Events page for ticket information: http://www.chutepondsnowmobileclub.com. Hope to see you there.
Dan from Chute Pond
There is also one that snuck up on me a little.. Indoor mini-golf while bar hopping. This weekend there will be a mini-golf course with a hole set up at each of 9 bars along Parkway Rd between Fisher’s Camp & Curve Inn.
I also heard something the other day that sounds interesting. I was at Fisher’s Camp for a burger and a beer and we were talking about events.
Saturday April 10th, Fisher’s Camp Resort-
Flashback Remember When… 2001-2004. Glen and Deb are back (and the crew). Come join Deb and Glen as they run the bar all day and night.
Saturday July 31st Fisher’s Camp Grand Opening Party 11:00a.m. to ?. Doug and Linda Stacy will be doing their ever famous Chicken Booyah, Live music outdoors, Drawings etc. Come and join us for a great time. It’s Doug and Linda’s anniversary that day as well.
While I was at Fisher’s Camp I saw that the bay was still frozen. Most lakes are, but the ice is eroding along the shore. The upstream of Caldron falls is not frozen, it is open.
Also noteworthy, WPS did not drop the water levels much on Caldron Falls Flowage yet. They had said that they would drop Caldron after march 15th. But it isn’t down much compared to other years. Usually you see the ice collapsed as the water drops 4-6 feet. If it is down at all it is inches.
The two reasons that I hear that they drop the water is to break up the ice and to make room for the big rush of snowmelt water coming down the Peshtigo River. I don’t think that either is much of a problem this year thanks to the cursed El Nino.
Well I am going to get this posted. In my travels today I hope to recover my camera from Rapids and will have pictures of some of the people from Firelane’s poker run last weekend and my flowage pictures.
That is about it for today. Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!