Thursday 11-2-2023
Greetings and welcome!
I warned you guys about early freezing temperatures last week. Hopefully people took action because it froze and it froze hard. Most of the ponds and swamps have ice on them going all of the way across.
So far we have had a couple of nights that got as cold as 16F and a couple that were in the low 20s. Daytime temperatures only got up into the low or mid-30s, no help there.
Whatever the case, we froze hard. My little fishing boat had some leaves clog the drain. The heavy rains from the week before filled it halfway up. I discovered that yesterday. Too late, it is a big block of ice that will take some very warm days to melt.
Most years I don’t worry about winterizing my well house and plumbing until about Thanksgiving. Last weekend it was an emergency deal where I needed to do it by dark on Saturday night or else.
We also had an Alberta Clipper come through with some snow on Monday and Tuesday. The most that we got in Silver cliff was some splotchy white grass. I also had a light layer on the deck and on frozen gravel areas.
The storm came through north central WI and went diagonally southeast, for the most part missing us. Some people near Eagle River and west of Oshkosh saw totals as much a 4-5”.
So what’s the deal with the big set of storms and the big freeze? Blame El Nino. We have a strong one coming up this winter and it has already started to affect our weather. I am expecting cold weather in the short term and then warmer than normal weather just about the time that we think that we have a great start on the snowmobile season.
On a smaller scale we had no less than three big rain storms last week, all out of the southwest. According to my boat we had 6”+ of rain.
As is typical with big winter storms like that a big push of Canadian air came out of the northwest behind the storm. Last weekend’s big freeze was the result of that, and the snow came from a clipper system that followed with a reinforcing shot of cold air.
It will get better for the weekend. We will trade in our 20 degree below normal temperatures for a more normal 50ish high temperature. I’d welcome that.
That’s news for today. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!