Updated 12:30pm

Greetings and welcome!

It is a nice comfortable day outside today, but there is definitely some wind (12-20+).

There are tons of people up for the holiday weekend already and more are on the way. When I was heading north this morning 141 was very busy and Crivitz at the Piggly Wiggly was nuts. The cell towers are as clogged as on any holiday weekend.

The Peshtigo River is still well above normal. Most Labor Day weekends it is too low to be fun. This weekend it is still +5″, and fun level for anyone. Call Kosirs. 715-757-3431.

Next door the Piano Man Bob Heckler is playing tonight at Rapids Resort.

Here are some more events..

Riverview Fire Department Corn Roast
Date: Sept. 5, 2020

Free corn all day! Fun for the kids and adults with food, bucket drops, spin the wheel and music! Located at the Fire Department, 15408 WI-32.

Location: Riverview Fire Department

Address: 15408 WI-32
Mountain, WI, 54149

Click here for more information »
Contact Phone Number: 715-850-0364

Lakewood Firefighter’s Annual Picnic
Date: Sept. 6, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Music, food, raffles and sweet corn! Starting at noon till 8:00pm at the Lakewood Pavilion.  For more information, call Randy at 715-276-7222.
Location: Lakewood Pavilion
Contact Phone Number: 715-276-7222

Here is a poster from the big Suring event.

That is all that I have right now. Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting!



Early AM Update-

I have about 2 minutes to update.. I will have to come back later to finish up.

In the meantime there is an event this afternoon that you should know about. The Red Arrow Townsend ATV/Snowmobile Club is having their Labor Day weekend corn roast and ATV parade today. They have a very impressive list of raffle prizes (Listed on their web site) and free sweet corn. In past years there has been a really impressive line of ATVs on the trail ride/parade.

By Ray B