Greetings and welcome!
It is a beautiful time of year in Wisconsin’s north woods. Everywhere that you look there is a different kind of plant flowering or having emerging leaves.
Recently I have been seeing a lot of deer fawns. The first one was about two weeks ago. It is cool seeing the spindly legged youngsters trying to keep up with Mom or playing and chasing each other. In addition to the fawns, the turtles are up out of the water and trying to lay eggs in the sand or gravel along roads and trails that are near wetlands.
I actually saw my first mosquito yesterday. That comes as a surprise. I expected that a month ago. More of interest the moths and butterflies are now very active. I have been seeing a lot of Viceroy butterflies (they almost look like a Monarch, but not quite). There have been quite a few sightings of the giants of the moth world, the Cecropia and Luna moths. There are many other moths too. Driving slowly after sunset will produce hundreds or maybe thousands in the headlights. Every year seems to be a stand out year for a certain species of bug. This year it is the Rosy Maple Moth.
There was some discussion on the local Facebook page about reduced activity at bird feeders. The consensus was that some had just stopped off for a visit and continued north in their migration. The other answer was that they are nesting and tending to their young. Still others speculated that natural food sources had started to produce. No one was really worried about it.
The rain has been reasonably steady recently and the grass is growing like crazy. The ditch line that I only cut once is now 9-10″ high.
The whitewater rafting and tubing continues to be good. I look for a minimum of 300CFS on the Peshtigo, and it is still a little above that. They have opened the Menominee River for rafting as well, and that will bring a fun ride.
I have one event on the calendar for this weekend… The Oconto County Breakfast On The Farm. Here is a link to information on that.
It looks like we have low fire danger for the weekend. It is low now and we are expecting a little rain possible for Friday and Saturday. Maybe I will finally catch a day where it isn’t too windy and I am not too busy to burn my brush.
That’s it from here. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!