Greetings and welcome!
Fall is here and under way. The leaves have started to change but the really big show has yet to come. I am not sure when it is really going to go off, and after many years of being 100% wrong, I’m not really in a position to guess.
All of the signs of fall are here and there is a nip in the air at sunset. The sun is now setting at about 6:30 instead of 8:30 like it was only a month or three ago.
As happens every year I am in panic mode to get my fall projects done.Right now I am working on painting the house and patching the roof, and stuff that needs to get done over 50 or 60 degrees. Next up is winterizing stuff that can’t freeze like the camper and boat motor. We have not frozen overnight yet, but one place to our northwest saw 30 degrees last night. We have been getting into the low 40s overnight and one night last week hit 38.
In my world Winter starts October 10th. About 15 years ago when I was painting the photo van that was the day that it snowed 6″ and it never warmed up above 50 degrees again that fall. Since then that has always been my landmark date to get temperature sensitive jobs done. I can cut firewood and fix snowmobiles when it is cold out, but stuff like painting the house needs to be complete by then. I am scraping and painting the house right now, so I need to be on it ASAP. The shorter days along with the cold and dew covered mornings and evening have shortened the work day considerably.
We have a few events coming up his weekend and I want to make sure that you know about them. The headliner event is the Silver Cliff Soup & Chili Fest.
Here are some more..
For the snowmobilers among us this is the weekend of the Wausau snowmobile grass drags and swap meet. That has turned into a huge event, and it would be worth a visit.
Time for me to get back to work. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!