Greetings and welcome!
Dude where’s my Carhartts?
Chris and I have discussed at length my claim to have run the wood burner at least once every month of last year. June was early, the Saturday of the 3rd week in July was in the mid-40s, and I am sure that we had a night like tonight last August.
The wood burner isn’t burning, but my bet is that it will be in the morning. As of 2am, Athelstane Weather has 46 degrees, and it is dropping 1.3ºF per hour. That is about right for a Guinness, but on the cool side for August. Sounds about right for a popple fire in the AM too.
We are on the northern side of a massive high pressure system. Between the cool air from the north and the clear skies permitting radiational cooling, it is the coolest night in memory. Last night was close with 48, and I will testify that the open window above me as I slept left me chilly in the morning. It was different rolling up in the blanket instead of kicking it off.
The cool and clear nights usually are good for star gazing. We have an incredible globe of stars on display on nights like this. This week we also have a waning moon about 4 days off of being full. It was good and bright tonight, but I still saw a planet in the west sky a little after sunset.
Speaking of looking up, Jack Horkheimer died this week. He is the goofy guy on PBS that sat on the rings of Saturn and told us what wonders the night’s sky would hold for us. He turned me onto a lot of cool skies that I would have otherwise missed, and you sure couldn’t knock his enthusiasm.
Jack Foley Horkheimer , June 11, 1938 – August 20, 2010
RIP buddy, and Keep Looking Up!
A look at Chris’ event calendar shows that it is County Fair Week for both Marinette and Oconto Counties.
Aug. 26 – 29 Marinette County Fairgrounds Wausaukee Marinette County Fair
Demoliton derbies, truck and tractor pulls, animal judging, exhibits, bands, family entertainment and carnival
Aug. 26 – 29 Zippel Park in Gillett, Oconto County Fair
Demoliton derbies, horse, truck and tractor pulls, animal judging, exhibits, bands, family entertainment and carnival
Sunday we had fun when we went on Kosir’s sit on top kayaks and paddled from the resort down to Caldron Falls Flowage. It was a great day for it, and a bunch of us went and had a ball.
One guy was fishing on the way down and hooked a tree. I couldn’t resist, and promptly asked him if that was a big ol basswood that he caught. Yes it was very fun, and plenty scenic and relaxing too.
Since then I have really filled up the days. I just finished dinner and it is 1:45am. Tomorrow looks full too.
In my travels I noticed that the deer are dumber than usual running out in front of the truck. I don’t blame the rut since it is a little early, and they were all does.
Something that struck me as a little odd was when I spotted a flock of Canadian geese in the neighbor’s field yesterday. Unless those are local birds it is a little early isn’t it?
I looked at the upcoming bow deer season dates and saw that it opens September 18th. On the way there I lso saw that we are in an area of management zones for bucks only this gun season. I didn’t investigate beyond this map.
I apologize for not getting a Tuesday report posted. As I mentioned I have been really filling the days up this week. last week I finally made two updates on deadline, and this week it didn’t happen again. I did update the snowmobile page though.
That is about it for tonight. I will return with the weather and any updates later today.
Have a good night and thank you for visiting!