Greetings and welcome!

It has been quite a week for me with working on web sites. I finally caught up a little, and I am getting a head start here today.

First up the weather. There isn’t too much exciting here. We are looking at the low 80s for temps, and clear weather until Sunday when a chance of rain crops up. (40%)

The first part of the week was pretty hot, and I went into my cheapskate AC mode. That is where I get up at 5 or 6 am and crank up the air conditioner to the ‘frost the windows’ setting for a few hours. It cools the house and contents while the cool outside air makes the ac heat exchange work the most efficiently. The thermal inertia keeps the house cool until late afternoon without running the ac at all during the day. Smart n’ frugal.

I was buried in work Tuesday and kind of had to cut the report short.  There is some stuff to catch up with.

First of all, there is a float party on the Menominee River this Saturday with the nice folks from the Bear Point Yacht Club just east of Wausaukee. They start late morning in Wausauke and float down the Menominee River to the Bear Point Yacht Club. There they have a big party with food and friends. They help with shuttles ahead of time, so go early.

Next up… The directions here from the south are no longer go to Crivitz and take a left at the stoplight. That won’t work at all. First of all, they now have TWO stop lights, qualifying them as a major metropolitan area. They put a second one in where the Citgo and the powersports dealer are.

Then there is the issue of turning west onto Hwy A. Not gonna dew it. They are in the process of tearing up the roads in Crivitz from the stoplight by Gateway Bar all of the way to the Post office on A. If you are headed this way from the south, it is best to avoid that stretch. Instead go to the next town and take X west ( very scenic), or go a few miles north of Middle Inlet and take Moonshine Hill Rd,  or continue on to C in Wausaukee.

Also new in Crivitz, the Crivitz Youth Center has added a putting green for the young’uns. They have been adding feature activities like that for the past few years, including a small bowling alley and a skateboard park. Cool beans.

Bring the Repel.. The beginning of summer was really nice with the total absence of mosquitoes. Those days are over, and we are back to normal. Bring Repel, in some spots it will be very handy.


We have been in deep solar minimum for the past few years, and we haven’t had much for northern lights. Some of you have even asked about it. Apparently we had a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) yesterday and had some northern lights. They could happen again tonight, and we are expecting pretty clear skies. Get it while you can. While we are on the ramp up phase of solar cycle 24, it so far has indicated that it will be a quiet one. Here is a link.

Work has consumed most of my early week this week, so I don’t have much of a wildlife report. I did spot our fawn crossing the driveway yesterday. You might remember pictures of that one from late May. Apparently she is alive and well and cute as a button.

I have been too busy lately to pay much attention to getting the e-cig business going. I do have several kits in stock though, ranging from disposables @ $16, basic kits @ $35 and really deluxe kits @ $55. I just got my juice affiliate program approved yesterday for the pre-packaged ones. I also make my own e-cig juices. If you are interested in any of that, use the contact tab to the left.

Personally I am still happy with mine. My smoking is down on average over 1/3, and with increasing frequency, cut in half. Monday I was under a pack a day for the first time in a decade or so, and yesterday was close. If I could only claim that level of success on the treadmill, I’d have something..

Well, it is back to work for me. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B

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