Greetings and welcome!

Did anyone else catch the last moments of last night’s sunset? It was epic. I was driving home and heading west and noticed a little pink on the undersides of the clouds. Cool stuff. I came into a clearer area, and the cloud formations and sun lighting were doing grand things with pink orange and blues. There were thin spots in some of the clouds that between the back light and the under lighting, came out a very unusual shade of aquamarine. It was quite a grand display. Naturally I got home about 3 minutes after the show was over, so there are no pics.

The weather for the weekend looks like a 50/50 deal. Friday night and Saturday we are expecting a storm to bring a little rain. The models are in good agreement on the timing and quantity, which all have in the 0.25-0.5″ range. Sunday looks clear and about 70. Friday and Sunday look great, Friday night and Saturday bring a chance of rain.

I don’t have any new events, so here is  a copy n paste from Tuesday’s update..

September 10 Lena, WI
St. Anne Parish Grounds

25th Annual Lena Dairy Fest sponsored by the Lena Lions Club

Garden Tractor Pull at 7:00 PM

September 11 Parkway Inn

The Annual Country Fling from noon until ?

Live Country Music, Food and Fun for the whole family

September 11 Lena, WI
St. Anne Parish Grounds

25th Annual Lena Dairy Fest sponsored by the Lena Lions Club

5K Run/Walk at 8:00am, Parade at 10:00am, Food & Beverages, Farm Tractor Pull,
Live Music, New in 2010 – Car Show
Fireworks at dusk

September 11 Crivitz Airport
on W just west of town

Friends of Crivitz Airport Annual Fly-In

All day – Airport Open House / Young Eagles Fly-in
9:00am Free Rides for children 8 to 17 years old

September 11 Oconto Falls High School

Annual Oconto Falls “Hot Cake” Hustle Walk/Run

Proceeds benefis Home Respite Care of Oconto County
Visit for more info

For the snowmobilers among us, this is also the weekend of Hay Days, the big grass drags and huge swap meet in Minnesota. It is the “Official start of the snowmobile season”.

Yesterday was the official start of the firewood season for me. I brought home a couple of nice 18″ diameter oaks that was a fine haul. The truck & trailer were both heavy with big wood, probably a lot more than they should have had. Hey I was on a roll. Today I am on a mission to locate some Ibuprofin, but it is a happy/proud sore. I made a lot of wood yesterday, and I wish that I could go back today.

I was out there working hard and I was thinking that it was about the perfect day for it. It was 65 & partly cloudy with a little wind, and I could work hard with minimal sweat and overheating. The thing that set me on that course of thought was that there were no bugs. There were no gnats flying into my eyes, ears & nose, no gators biting me, no ticks climbing my leg.  September rocks.

I did not find the paper wasps that I expected to find in the oaks. It was only two trees, hardly a big sample, but they would have been prime for nests with the peeling bark. It could be that the early May snowstorm and cold snap killed off a lot of them the way that it did the frogs in my pond.

Well, it is a very nice day outside, so I am off to dive into it. Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!


By Ray B

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