Greetings and welcome!
Day 14 of quarantine and honestly if I didn’t look at the computer I wouldn’t know what day of the week it was. We have been locked down way too long.
The snow on the ground is finally starting to go away. Most areas of my yard are at about 6-8″. There are a lot of bare spots where it is sunny, and over a foot of snow remains in shaded areas. Plowed areas and roads are bare.
We had some overnight rain a couple of days ago that really came down. There might have even been a little thunder. Radar estimates said about 1.25″ fell here. It did really take down the snow a lot.
That has area rivers at flood stage. The Peshtigo River where they raft it is running at about a +30″. That is absolutely huge, the kind of water that will stand a 16′ raft full of people right up on end or flip it like a pancake.
There are flood warnings for the Peshtigo downstream closer to Marinette. Other rivers have flood warnings too. The Menominee, the Pike, the Wolf, the Embarass, and a couple of others all have flood warnings.
Closer to home the Eagle Creek is up over it’s banks and the swamp near Firelane Bar no longer has an identifiable creek running through it.
Other than the rain and the occasional sunny day the snow is not in any hurry to go away. It sure hasn’t been melting from warm days. Mostly we have been getting into the 40s in the daytime and into the mid-20s at night. We have not had any really warm days getting into the upper 50s and we have not gone into the 60s at all yet. Both could come in the next week.
Mud season is in full swing and I have seen some ugly driveways. We do not have a deep frost but there is plenty of rain and melt water to make up for it.
The DNR suspended all burning permits last week. Like the bar closing they only gave a couple of hours notice. They don’t even want you to have campfires.
I have never been a fan of this time of year. The weather is cold when we are itching for a warm spring day. The mud makes the driveway a challenge and there isn’t much to do in the lakes and forests. Everything is a drab brown or gray. Now we are locked up too.
Relief is hopefully a month or less away. Hopefully the weather will turn around soon and hopefully the virus panicdemic ends soon too. The grass should start greening up once May gets here, and fishing will open. Usually the first or second week of May brings the opening of the ATV trails and the really big greening of the land.
There is a lot to look forward to but first we have to wait. Wake me up in three weeks when it is over and spring is starting.
Have a good one and thank you for visiting!