Update- I added 3 more event posters.
Greetings and welcome!
The big Labor Day weekend is coming up. It looks like the weather will be nice but as the weekend progresses it could get into the mid 90s.
Gas is on the rise between the holiday weekend gouging and the hurricane threatening the Gulf of Mexico. Right now it is $3.54 locally but in my travels to Antigo and Wausau in the past week I have seen it as high as $3.79.
Here are some weekend events.
Big corn roast and ATV ride with Red Arrow Townsend and the Old Town Hall restaurant in Townsend.. https://redarrowtownsend.com/meetinginfo.php?id=1&ts=1692664168
This is what I have run into so far. Just about every bar that does live music has bands this weekend. If I run into more events over the next couple of days I will get them posted.
Have a good weekend and thank you for visiting!