Greetings and welcome!
Thank you guys that commented for your support. It is much appreciated. I think that I like the new site, it is possibly the best one yet. I still haven’t finished the header image, but the one of the aurora and sprites is pretty cool too.
Yesterday was beautiful outside. It was mostly sunny and by Athelstane Weather’s account, 61.2F. I saw 58 on the Accuweather gadget on the left side of the site, and 65 in the sun out back. A few people disagreed that it went over 60, but I am not one of them.
I was outside working on the truck in a T-shirt and was hot much of the time. For once we had a warm spring day without the wind coming and putting a chill on it. As you saw in the pix yesterday, it really knocked down some snow & ice.
After working for a while I got a pretty ugly case of spring fever, and recruited Chris to go for a ride. Here are a few pictures..
Today is a little different. It is in the 40s and as the rain gets closer the fog is creeping in. I am not a fan of fog. Not only is it hard to drive in, that is our snow evaporating, which I would much rather see in the river or lakes.
The NWS has the rain starting tonight and going through Friday night. On the GFS the precip keeps coming as the storm backs up and does it a little more, with rain into Sunday. Sunday and Monday it is showing it as snow. (1-3, 2-4?)
A lot of the time the rain will be light. There are a few heavier waves of rain associated with the storm too. The total QPF for the storm is between 1-1.75″. Too bad that isn’t snow (12-20″).
I did see some road ban signs up yesterday.
This just came in minutes ago.. (TY Eric!)
From: John Scott, Forestry and Parks Administrator
Subject: ATV Trail Closure
For the 2010 season, the entire Marinette County ATV Trail
System will be closed to all vehicles effective March 15, 2010.
This closure is required to protect the soft trail bed from
erosion damage caused by ATV’s and other vehicles during spring
breakup. ATV trails will re-open when conditions warrant.
Another press release will be placed in the paper when the
trails are re-opened.
Usually the ATV trils reopen the first weekend in May, but that is subject to change with conditions.
Well have to get back to work. I just wanted to say thanks, catch up on the weather, and show you the pictures. Now I have to pay the price for enjoying yesterday.
Have a good Tuesday and thank you for visiting!
I heard some rumors, and even saw some pictures, that there was a buffalo “hunt” near Athelstane in mid February. Supposedly the buffalo escaped from a local ranch. Have you heard anything on this?..number of animals? did they recover them all? did it actually happen? The picture I saw had what looked like the trail groomer tractor with a buffalo hanging from the bucket.
I also heard about this and saw a picture of a dressed out critter hanging. The way that I heard it 8 or 9 escaped the ranch by Armstrong Creek and were dispatched, with at least one taken down near Athelstane.
Chris had a slightly different version than I got over the bar, the ranch was in Athelstane, and they recovered all except one, which was dispatched, and she saw pictures @ Rustic.
Maybe someone has first hand knowledge?
Ray as always you pulled out another great idea out of your bag of tricks looks great to me
Thanks Slug!
I really like the new layout & the accuweather thing is cool.
Thanks for the update on the atv trails ray We’re riding them this thursday.I guess for the last time till they open again.
Sounds fun, but it might get a little wet..
I think your link to the Peshtigo river guage is broken. It won’t link up for me. The other two links work fine. I like you new site. Keep up the great work that you do.
I fixed the link.