Greetings and welcome!
It was indeed a busy weekend last weekend. My neighborhood was fairly quiet but when I went out on the roads there was a lot of traffic. I don’t know if it stacked up as busier than normal or not but it was a busy weekend. That’s good. A lot of people have a lot of fun and it is good for the area in general.
The weather was bluebird weather all weekend. Probably the biggest complaint about the weather is that we were short on rain making roads and trails very dusty and raising fire danger.
The wood ticks and mosquitoes had a busy weekend too. Plenty of people encountered those.
The big excitement this week is that the deer are having their fawns. Lots of people have been encountering the cute little wobbly legged fawns or Momma deer fat in the late stages of pregnancy.
Other people reported seeing foxes and several bobcats.
The Wall That Heals Vietnam War Memorial came to Crivitz yesterday. Reports had huge crowds in all of the towns that it passed through. When it got to Crivitz it was lead by several emergency vehicles. Behind it were several hundred bikers, followed by a variety of classic and hot rod cars and other folks.
The wall will be on display at the Crivitz museum behind the McDonalds in Crivitz today through the weekend. We should be honored that it is staying in our little town for the weekend, and hats off to all of the people that made it happen.
Since the weekend the weather has gotten hotter. Yesterday I think that we hit 89ºF. There is more of that ahead, the forecast has temperatures in the upper 80s or near 90 right through the weekend.
I don’t recall the last time that it rained. A wild guess would put it close to two weeks ago. The fire danger is very high. There is a little relief in sight. Unfortunately it isn’t anything organized or of any duration. What I’m expecting is more heat of the day afternoon thunderstorms popping up here and there. Those can get interesting. I have seen those absolutely drench one side of the road and the other side doesn’t get wet. It is wild when it happens, but it isn’t the area-wide inch or three of rain that we could really use.
I am about to run along. With the heat of the day getting close to 90 I am trying to get on what I call the roofer’s schedule. Get out there early and get some work done between 6-10 or 11am and then knock off before the heat wears me out. If I’m good I will go back out and get three or four hours in before sunset after the heat of the day passes.
Have a good week and thank you for visiting!