Greetings and welcome!

We have an overcast day today that looks like it wants to rain. So far there isn’t much on radar, but my bet is that we get wet eventually.

We have a weather roller coaster going on this week. Today we are expecting low 70s. Tomorrow could go into the 90s with humidity. Friday rain is expected, and that will drop temps off again for the weekend.

The weekend weather- Saturday should bring mid-70s, Sunday and Monday are predicted to be in the mid-60s. Saturday night into Sunday morning there is a very minor disturbance coming through that could bring a likewise minor chance of rain.

Friday night and Saturday night should bring lows in the mid-50s, Sunday and Monday night lows are forecast to be in the mid-40s.

I have seen a series of articles last week that are strongly suggesting another La Nina winter coming up. We won’t know for sure for a few months, but there is a lot of guidance going with a LaNina winter.

There has been a fire burning near Peshtigo for about a week now. According to yesterday’s paper, it has taken about 100 acres so far. Much like in the original Peshtigo fire the fire is now burning underground in the dried peat swamps. Fire crews have been on it watching and extinguishing any flare ups.

The construction on Parkway North has come right along. It is now a very nice road complete with striping and wide clear ditches. The new road only goes north a little past Wolfe Ln, but future construction will take it a segment at a time up to Goodman Park.

Fall colors in August? Yup. Last week I saw my first color change tree. It was hard to tell if it was a maple or a beech at 60mph, but there was one solitary tree up by Niagara that was all yellow. Yesterday I saw a cherry tree drop some leaves when the wind blew, and there was a color changed leaf under one of my maples yesterday too. It won’t be long now.

Day 5 of no TV.. My giant bulbous TV gave up the ghost last Friday about an hour before the Packer game. So far I haven’t done anything about it. I am sure that one of the neighbors has an old TV, but I didn’t ask. Likewise I could go buy a nice flat screen, but my $$ is better spent for other winter prep things. It is a little strange not catching the morning news, but I don’t miss the all day prattle.

Finally yesterday I broke down and bought a TV tuner card for the computer. Once it gets here I will be able to see my Packers again, but hopefully keep the computer otherwise occupied. Yeah I miss Burn Notice and Star Trek and South Park, but there is plenty to do outside. Fall is such a great season to be around here and out in the woods that TV shmeevee-who needs it..

I know that there is more to cover here, but work calls and I have to run. Here are the weekend events..

Sept. 3 Amberg
Firemen’s Park
31st Annual Fireman’s Picnic & Parade
Parade at 11am, Water Fights, Demonstrations, Children’s Games
Food & Refreshments, Live Music, Raffles, Horseshoes
Sept. 3 Valley Inn
5th Annual Corn Roast and ATV Parade
Hosted by the Red Arrow Snowmobile Club – Proceeds go to trail maintenance
ATV Parade at 10:30 am from Townsend Shell to Valley Inn
Meat Raffles, Music, Food & Refreshments
 September 3
Town of Riverview
Fire House-Hwy 32
Riverview FD & Auxiliary Annual Corn Roast
From 9am – 10pm – Everyone Welcome.
Food & Refreshments, Free Corn, Music, Raffles, Children’s Games
Sept. 4 Northwoods Bar – Athelstane
Benson Lake Rd & Northway Dr.
 35th Annual Auction Fundraiser
Parade lineup at 10:00 a.m. at Fire Station #2 on Benson Lake Road,
parade begins at 10:30 a.m.- Auction to follow – Food, games, music
Proceeds from the Auction go to the Athelstane Fire Department
and the Silver Cliff Rescue Squad.
Sept. 4 Mardi Gras Grounds
 26th Annual Lakewood Firemen’s Picnic Dept.
Raffles, Cash Prizes, Food & Refreshments
Live music noon – 9PM

Have a good week and thank you for visiting!



By Ray B

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