Greetings and welcome!
Let’s start with last weekend. Last weekend was great with a lot of happy people around. The Dark Horse band with Tommy Greywolf was great too.
The rain came a little early on Monday for a lot of people. According to the USGS gauge it added up to just over an inch. Athelstane Weather is showing 1.61″ and Scott e-mailed in that Rhinelander saw 1 3/4″.
I am sure that some of that hit the Peshtigo River watershed. How much remains the question. The wathershed is on the fringe of the range of the radar and the precip totals are always suspect. In heavy rain the majority of the signal is reflected back before it ever gets here. There is more rain expected over the next 36 hours, so rafting should be great again this weekend.
Did anyone catch last night’s sunset? Golly was that something. Here I was 30 miles from home with no camera. It started with the sun peeking through a patch of overcast and backlighting a big thunder cloud. Then it did the beam thing where the rays of sun poked out through the clouds. Later the horizion went orange while the small high clouds reflected pink and blue. To the east were more big thunder clouds lit in the softest pastel blue and gray. It was really something, a top 10 postcard sunset to be sure. I was not happy about not bringing the camera.
There is an event today that deserves our attention and support. The Beach Club on Waubee Lake is having a fundraiser for theĀ Lakewood/Townsend Ambulance Service. It starts at 4pm. There will be music by Kendricks & Johnson, a remote controlled boat race, and drawings for door prizes like autographed Packers pictures.
There is also a big motorcycle ride and swap meet up here this weekend that involves a lot of places around here. It should be pretty huge.
July 8-9-10 | Crossroads Bar & Grill |
2nd Annual Northeast Poker Run & Swap MeetCheck website for full details |
July 9-10-11 | Wabeno |
24th Annual Steam Up Days
Tournaments and lumberjack competitions all weekend |
July 10 | Eagle Creek Pub Silver Cliff |
Mike’s Birthday Bash
Come Celebrate Mike’s birthday |
July 10 | Athelstane |
VFD Annual Parade & PicnicParade line up at 10:30 am at town hall proceeding to Firemen’s Park |
July 12 | Goodman Fire Station |
VFD Annual Benefit Dance7 – 11 PM – Food & Refreshments |
So we had a little music last night. I have been having a rough week and needed to blow off a little steam. The couple of you that followed along found it novel. It turned out to be an interesting playlist, but it is now just a memory.
I have been getting into this e-cig thing, and I like it. There are really good and really bad ones, and the same goes for the juice. I have it pretty well down pat, and am now trying different variations. I also found out what it is like to lose one yesterday, when it apparently fell out of the truck.
If you are interested in trying one or buying one, e-mail me through the tab on the left. I have spent the money finding the good equipment and juice. What I haven’t figured out is if I am going to set up a series of affiliate links or just a store for them. I am also considering a tasting party to introduce them to people who are unsure or unwilling to buy one without trying it. While I figure it out, e-mail me and I will set you up with the right stuff.
You do not need to spend $60. I can get 2 for that, and a sample pack of high quality juices too. I am also awaiting arrival of some high quality semi-disposables that will retail at 16 or 18 dollars.
The juice that comes with them is usually terrible tasting Chinese propylene glycol (anti-freeze) based stuff. It does not have to be like that. My non-PG flavor of the day is Island, a nice pineapple pina colada flavor. It is hard candy delicious.
With my e-cigs I am down 30-40% on the regular coffin nails in the past week, and this week will be at least 50%. The $30 worth of juice coming tomorrow will replace 3-4 cartons worth $150-200. I like it.
One downside is that I have turned into a bit of a gadget getter trying new parts and different combination of them. I still spend my $50 a week, just not all on cigarettes.
You should also be warned the the 51 brand e-cigs are frequently associated with a charge card scam, and the free trials that are spamming our e-mail boxes are too. Let me help, don’t get ripped off.
The weekend weather forecast looks ok. Saturday should be a bluebird day with temps in the upper 70s. The NAM showed a line of showers Sunday morning, then no rain until about sunset. The NWS went with a blanket 40% chance for Sunday.
While checking into that I also saw some really nice blobs of red and orange on the radar heading right for the Peshtigo River watershed. That will be perfectly timed to bring the river up this weekend. Yee-Ha!
That is about it from here. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!