Greetings and welcome!

I am insanely busy this week so  am getting a head start here. We have some stuff to talk about.

First up is the short term weather.

Today we have had rain from this morning until now, 10pm, and it looks like there is just a little more on the way. It has varied between light and moderate rain all day. The USGS gauge by Kosir’s shows about 2/3″ as of 9:15pm. The radar estimates are at about 0.7″. There are areas not very far north that got as much as 1.5″.

Next up in weather is our cold weather. You have probably heard news reports from out west where their 90º heatwave had winter storm warnings the next day and a foot of snow. That is a heck of a cold front. Here is a picture from Facebook. The guy was in the 80s the day before.

Well, we got a little taste of that too. Today we had a high temp of 49 degrees. Our normal high temp is about 70. The TV weather guy showed a chart of normal high temperatures, and we are not under 50 until the beginning of November. We set a lot of records in the state today for the lowest high temperature for the date. In many cases it was by 5 degrees or more.

We are not in any danger of having snow but there are frost alerts out for counties immediately to our northwest. There are freeze warnings out for the far northwestern part of the state.

I am not looking forward to an early winter. I have weeks of outside work to do before it freezes or snows. My every instinct is screaming that I had better get on it.

Next up is fall colors.  A week ago I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any early maples changing yet. Wow did they go off in the past few days. Some of the really colorful red maples are in full color already and there is a good bit of orange and red popping up too. These are mostly just the earliest maples. It was surprising to me that it came late and then went off like a firecracker.

Next up is Parkway Inn’s End of Summer Bash next weekend. Here are the posters..

That is it for tonight. Have a good week and thank you for visiting!



By Ray B