Greetings and welcome!
It is the Friday of gun deer hunting season and busy or not I need to do a few updates.
First I have been a busy boy so I haven’t been able to update for a few weeks. Between all of the trips to the doctors, a huge water damage repair in my kitchen and laundry room, and fall chores, I haven’t had time to take a breath.
We have an unusual setup for deer hunting this year.
First of all the ground is not frozen and with all of the recent rain low spots will be wet. There is no snow on the ground at all. The last few days have been close to 60ºF.
Yesterday was a nice day that came with high winds that peaked over 40mph. We had a cold front come through last night and the wind just roared. The cold front dropped the temperatures from almost 60 yesterday to an expected high of 40 or so for today. There is going to be a lot of energy involved with a change like that, and this time it came as a lot of wind and very little snow or rain. That wind is expected to stick around with gusts today and Saturday getting up to 20mph.
We had another windy day like that recently too. Don’t be surprised to see a few dead branches or trees down.
High temperatures over the weekend look pretty normal with a high of 41 today, 49 Saturday, and 42 Sunday. Overnight temperatures are expected to be in the mid to upper 20s.
As far as the deer forecast I’d put it at better than average. This year the season comes earlier than usual. I have no idea where they are in the progression of the rut, but back when I hunted usually the early season was good for us.
Usually I would not hunt on days with big winds. The deer don’t like having three of their senses taken away. Their eyes are very attuned to spot motion. With big wind the whole woods is in motion. Their typical scent scenarios go out the window too in a 40mph wind. Likewise the roar in the trees takes away some of their hearing. They are nervous and spooky in conditions like that, and typically don’t move as much.
In spite of all of that I saw at least six different groups of deer last night on the way home from Crivitz a little before sunset.
In my travels it seems like the deer population in general is up a little bit. As far as buck sightings, those are way up with at least 4 nice ones in the past couple of weeks.
There was a pretty nice one on the east end of Silver Cliff that still walks because of my anticipation and cat-like reflexes. He ran across the road a ways in front of me, and I was like, “Nice buck..”. At the last second he suddenly changed directions and ran back across the road and about five feet in front of the car. I got a good look at him, and any hunter would be proud of him.
Don’t be surprised to see some black bears. It has been warm out so they are not hibernating yet.
There is a hunter’s bake sale at Nimrod supper club in Athelstane today that benefits the local VFD.
For Thanksgiving the usual restaurants will be putting out their best buffets. Rapids Resort, Hilltop Resort, Nimrod’s, and so on. Rustic is doing a potluck where they supply turkey and ham and the rest is potluck. Interesting.
The late season looks cold. There is a little snow showing up in the forecast for about Tuesday night. Next Wednesday and Thursday could have high temps only in the 20s, with lows in the teens.
As far as dem Packers, they play Sunday at noon against the Chargers, and again on Thanksgiving at Detroit. Sunday’s game starts at noon and Thursday’s game at 11:30. Plenty of places will be running Packer specials.
As far as traffic, that has been picking up since early this week. I had plenty of company on my way home from Green Bay yesterday afternoon.
A little story about that. One year I traveled out of Milwaukee with the masses at about suppertime Friday night. Left about 6, got to Rapids Resort at about 11. Traffic sucked the whole way and it was a 5 hour ride instead of the usual three. The next year I left at 8pm and still got to Rapids at about 11, but with a lot less traffic stress. Lesson learned.
One last item, gas prices are down a little this week. Locally it was $3.09 yesterday. In Green Bay it was as low as $2.99. Not great, but it could be a lot worse.
That’s it for me today. Have a good weekend, have fun, and be safe.